ENGINE Short Film Scheme – Innovate Limerick is delighted to announce the 15 shortlisted film projects Local Film Projects Shortlisted for ENGINE Short Film Scheme Innovate Limerick...
Team Limerick Clean Up 6 has been announced by Hurler Cian Lynch pictured above and will take place on Good Friday, April 2. Picture by INPHO/Ryan Byrne....
I Love Limerick 2020 – A look back on some memorable happy moments from our past year A look back at I Love Limerick 2020 I Love...
Calvin Nash pictured above is doing Limerick proud as an Irish rugby union player for Munster in the Pro14. Picture: Munster Rugby Twitter 10 Questions with Munster...
Treaty Rallying Call to to Limerick GAA Fans has been issued by Team Limerick Clean-Up Team Limerick Clean-Up Issues Rallying Call to Limerick GAA Fans Ahead of...
Georgian Limerick demo projects – Pictured on O’Connell Street Limerick are Rosie Webb, Head of Urban Innovation in Limerick City and County Council and Sinead Ryan,...
Suzanne Roche pictured with Richard in 2013 during the early days of LGTE. Picture: ilovelimerick A tribute to Limericks Gateway to Education founder Suzanne Roche By...
Old Limerick Haunts – Pictured above is the outside of famous Limerick chipper Donkey Ford’s Top 10 Favourite Old Limerick Haunts Revisited By I Love Limerick...
Icon Nightclub Limerick: The Cult of D’Icon by Jen Ronan looks at Limericks beloved nightclub Icon or D’Icon to the locals. Icon Nightclub Limerick: The Cult...
TLC Biodiversity: A hardworking parent robin collects a big mouthful of flies for the hungry brood. Robins work flat out at this time of year so...
International Biodiversity Day: JJ Fitzgerald, aged 6 from Ballingarry, Co. Limerick pictured with his strawberry plant in his garden as part of Team Limerick Clean-Up’s (TLC)...
Blue team – Niall Ward, Kate O’Driscoll, Mark O’Driscoll, and Laura O’Driscoll underage hurling and football players with Kildimo – Pallaskenry GAA Club and Green team...
St Patricks NS Bruree wrestled their way to victory at the 6th Annual Analog Devices Primary School Robotics Competition. St Patricks NS Bruree win 2020 Analog Devices...
Hockey player Roisin Upton has been named Limerick Person of the Year 2019. Picture: Brian Arthur WATCH – Irish hockey star Róisín Upton named Limerick Person...
Shannon Region Ambassador Awards 2019 in Dromoland Castle on Wednesday, December 4. Picture: Kate Devaney/ilovelimerick PHOTOS: Shannon Region Ambassador Awards 2019 celebrate the €12 million brought...
Pictured on the set of ‘Copper Face Jacks’ is Johnny Ward, posing to promote his role as Gino Wildes. Copper Face Jacks: The Musical Hits Limerick...