Angela’s Ashes – A Musical After its debut in Derby in England last year, a cast of 45 will be bringing the musical...
A celebration of Limerick’s best restaurants – at a special rate – will take place from next weekend with 20 participating eateries across...
Limerick Institute of Technology held its sixth President’s Commendation awards ceremony for GIVE volunteers at LIT on Wednesday, 22nd May. GIVE, the Guided Initiative...
Riverfest 2013 Gallery Compilation – In case you missed it last weekend, Limerick city was host to a myriad of fantastic events. Once again...
RUGBY HERO URGES STUDENTS TO DESIGN A LAPEL PIN FOR LIMERICK Irish Ladies International rugby player, Joy Neville joined forces with Primary and Secondary students and...
Despite the sad news about the short term closure of the Belltable, I am pleased to say Limerick still has a vibrant theatre and indeed a...
MPCC Credit Union, with offices in Dooradoyle, Mungret, Ballybrown & Patrickswell recently invited local primary schools within its catchment area to participate in the first stage...
A recent national survey confirmed what we all know and feel, that home heating oil prices are, yet again, on the rise. In fact, oil prices...
Cinderella at University Concert Hall – This year’s panto at University Concert Hall featuring Leanne Moore, Riche Hayes and Fair City’s “Mondo” as well as Limerick...
UCH Booking 061 331549 / December 21 – Jan 6, Dustin and Twink will be reunited on stage
Pieta House Calls on Limerick Communities to Organise Fundraisers During Suicide Awareness Week In the first six months of this year there was a 40% increase...
Polish Art Festival has been established in 2007 by Justyna Cwojdzińska, Magdalena Wrońska-Sudoł and Natalia CzArnecka- Diling under the umbrella of the Irish Polish Cultural &...
University Concert Hall, Limerick launched its 2012 Autumn/Winter Season in The Hunt Museum, with a new look brochure packed with over thirty exciting shows. From September right...
The Roches Street Art Festival plans to showcase again this year all that is wonderful about art in Limerick. The festival, which is now in its... Limerick’s Going for Gold campaign is continuing to gather momentum across the City. The campaign’s aim of making Limerick City a cleaner, brighter place to...
Val’s Kitchen is one of the longest running food blogs in Ireland, owned by local food lover and journalist Valerie O’Connor, hers is a story where...