Pictured are Kevin Meade, Patrick McLoughney, Meghan Scully, James Collins and Padraig Monaghan, at the Launch of the Pig n Porter 2019 Tag Rugby Festival which takes place on Saturday, July 13, in Old Crescent Rugby Club. Picture: Brendan Gleeson.
Pig n Porter 2019 will celebrate its eighteenth year as Europe’s largest tag rugby festival
Pig n Porter, Europe’s largest tag rugby festival, is back bigger and better and is celebrating its eighteenth year. Teams from Ireland, the UK and, for the first time, South Africa will touch down in Limerick in the lead up to the tag rugby festival. Pig n Porter 2019 will begin on Friday, July 12, with live music and registration for teams.
On Saturday, July 13, the tag rugby teams will then take to the pitches in the Old Crescent Rugby Club and the University of Limerick.
There are four divisions of tag rugby, from premier to social leagues. One of the newest leagues added to the calendar is Super Social. It is social tag rugby with a VIP twist: tag rugby players will take to the field on the main Old Crescent pitch while making use of the exclusive marquee where breakfast will be served on arrival with dinner and beverages available later in the day – all complimentary.
A slogan for the tag rugby festival is, ‘Not Just for Taggers,’ emphasising the inclusivity of it.
Emma Langford will also kick off the event with her biggest concert to date on the rugby club’s grounds on Friday night, July 12.
Emma spoke about the concert and her enthusiasm for it, and how she will be accompanied by the band who worked on her album Quiet Giant with her.
Emma spoke to Limerick Post and said, “It is an experience I want to create. It’s a really beautiful 700-seater marquee.”
On Saturday, July 13, there will be live music, family-friendly amusements, artisan food trucks and a bar available throughout the day. On the night then, the winning teams will be awarded their silverware, and a DJ will provide music until late into the night.
This event is perfect for those who want to play tag or who may just want to join in the festivities.
Keep up-to-date with Pig n Porter on Twitter and Instagram.
For more information and tickets, go here.
For more stories on Pig n Porter, go here.