Chez le Fab’s Pot Luck Dinner for Refugee Families in Limerick
Chez le Fab are asking you to join them on the evening of April 15 for a very special ‘Pot Luck’ Dinner to share and welcome refugee families to the community of Limerick. This is a Family Friendly event, so parents are welcomed to bring along the kids.
People attending the Pot Luck Dinner event are asked to bring a dish/bring a gift but most importantly bring yourself to this wonderful evening of storytelling, live music, pass the parcel, and cultural exchanges.
Chez le Fab will also be holding a raffle on the night and some spot prizes!
The event was organised by Roisin Meaney, Random Acts of Kindness Limerick, Sarah Jane Hennelly of PAUL Partnership and LesleyAnne Liddane of Chez le Fab in an effort to bring people together.
Chez le Fab are asking those bringing food to the Pot Luck Dinner to please be aware that any meat dish should be Halal. There are multiple halal butchers in Limerick including Tait’s Clock. If you would prefer to be on the safe side, a fish dish, a salad or anything vegetarian would be ideal. To be even safer, Chez le Fab are also recommending that people can bring a gelatin-free dessert. Chez le Fab are asking people to not bring pork, please.
If you’re not free to come but would like to help with this wonderful event, you might consider donating a spot prize for Chez le Fab’s raffle on the night, anything at all, for a child or an adult, would be welcomed. You can drop in to Chez le Fab located in Arthurs Quay Park in advance.
Chez le Fab are asking you to join them on the evening of April 15 for a very special ‘Pot Luck’ Dinner to share and welcome refugee families to the community of Limerick.
By confirming your attendance, Chez le Fab can have an idea of numbers in advance. Chez le Fab would also appreciate it if people let them know what (if any) dish you’re planning on bringing to the event. Chez le Fab could use a few more Irish people, so if you’re in two minds, please do come along on the night! The event is only a few hours long, and you don’t HAVE to bring food – Chez le Fab would still love to see folk who want to come and chat (and maybe even sing…..)
So, come along and support this event, and show Limerick’s newest residents what a friendly and welcoming place #Limerick is! Please share with friends who would love to support!
For more information on the event click here
Please do confirm your attendance by emailing [email protected]