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President Michael D Higgins President Michael D Higgins


The President comes home



President Michael D Higgins was warmly welcomed to Limerick when he made his first visit to the city since his election. The Limerick born president visited St Munchin’s Community Centre in Kileely, which he visited on his campaign trail in September. President Higgins said he “made a deliberate decision” to return to the city and particularly to the centre, which he hailed as “the very best of Limerick”.

The President comes home

Richard with our President Michael D.Higgins and Brenda Gardiner and Linda Ledger of St Munchins Community Centre enjoying a very memorbable day. Photo by Dolf Patijn

“I made a deliberate decision to come back, particularly to St Munchin’s Community Centre because I was so impressed by the huge range of services that were going on here when I came in September,” the president told me. The president also declared that he “had a certain other set of reasons for being here as well, this is the parish I was baptised in”.

Linda Ledger, manager of the centre, said she was “thrilled” to host the president. “It is brilliant for the centre and what is great for us is we did it on our terms, we didn’t put on any mock show, we did it in our hall, we did the food ourselves, the flowers, and it just shows you what we do every day, we can do it, there is nothing we can’t do here,” she said.





Over the last five years this centre has assisted their community to develop a sense of pride and reach its full potential by responding to needs and issues as they arise. By providing a central, accessible and visible hub for local community activity, in response to local demand they continue to expand its services and facilities such as a restaurant, florist, hairdressers, launderette and computer classes to name a few. They also provide a meeting space for local groups and address isolation and social exclusion for the older members of the community.

They are currently looking for the last piece of funding to complete their renovation and need your help now!

I Love Limerick Video of the Presidents visit to
St. Munchin’s Community Centre

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.