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Quiz in Aid of Milford Hospice Quiz in Aid of Milford Hospice


The Quiz in Aid of Milford Hospice



Quiz in Aid of Milford Hospice is renowned city wide as being the most sensational and utterly hilarious Charity Event of the year is back. Back to test your brain and your sense of humour.

Hosted by Mike Finn and Myles Breen, it is the night that has it all; great prizes and the chance to support Limerick’s Milford Hospice.

Known amongst table quizzes as the one with ‘bells and whistles’, the quiz is not all about the question. Previous quiz challenges have been Blind Date, and the by now Infamous Compose a Limerick Competition.  So even if your reading habits are a little more ‘National Enquirer’ than ‘Irish Times’ you can battle it out with your head held high.  

But you’re not going away empty handed! You’re taking away with you  a Blankety Blank cheque book and pen or a selection of prizes donated generously by local businesses.





“The generosity of local businesses over the years has never ceased to amaze me.  Even during hard times when the pressure was on, the Limerick businesses and organisations came up trumps,” said Myles Breen. 

Music maestro Dave Irwin will, once more, be on hand with musical clues. This year, he has concocted a musical brain teaser clinically tested to leave the most seasoned radio junkies and music fans languishing in musical limbo.

Even if you are more Blankety Blank than Mastermind, even if the only subject you excel at is the Kardashian Family Tree, don’t worry just grab some friends and come along for some fun and to support the cause. After all, this is the only quiz since the Signing of the Limerick Treaty that has been known to have a Flash Mob.

 On Thursday, February 18 at 8pm in the Ballroom of Pery’s Hotel Glentworth Street. Tables will be in groups of four and entry is €10 per head. 

Milford Care Centre (adjacent to the University of Limerick in Castletroy, Limerick), is a provider of Specialist Palliative Care and Older Persons Services to the people of the Mid West.

They are here to help you, your friends and family. Their philosophy reaches beyond the physical needs of a person, and they place a high importance on the emotional, spiritual and social needs of our patients, their families and friends.

Milford Care Centre pride themselves in giving you the best holistic care, tailor-made for your needs. Their website listed below is designed to give patients, careers, healthcare professionals, friends and family the best possible information.

Check out their Facebook here

Check out their Twitter here

Check out their website here

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.