“Devine Physique” Workshop in aid of Rape Crisis Midwest
Devine Physique takes place on Sunday 1st February at Hook and Ladder, Sarsfield Street, Limerick. From 10am-2pm attendees will be treated to a 2 hour nutrition seminar and a 2 hour cookery demonstration.
If you are interested in nutrition and cookery? Entering the New Year feeling optimistic about obtaining a healthy lifestyle? This is the perfect event for you! James Devine of ‘Devine Physique’ is our host for this wonderful workshop.
Rape Crisis Midwest was established 32 years ago and is a regional organisation serving Limerick, Clare and Tipperary. We provide a free and confidential counselling service to both male and female survivors of rape and childhood sexual abuse.
We see approximately 80 clients a week through the doors of our three centres. Our head office is based at Phoenix House, Punch’s Close, Rosbrien Road, Limerick. The Clare service is based at Tracklands Business Park, Clonroadmore, Ennis and the Tipperary service is based in Silverview, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.
We are very lucky to have James hosting this event for us. James has over 15 years experience in the dancing world where he is a huge success. He is certified by the Guinness World Records as the fastest dancer in the world. He is a leader in the percussive dancing world and is involved in a range of other disciplines. For these reasons James has of course always been passionate about health and fitness and is very well informed.
So, if you want to know ‘WHAT THE FORK SHOULD I COOK?’ then find out by coming along to this practical and informative workshop. You will gain lots of information and important tools on how to be as healthy as possible and to make this a lifestyle not just a fad.
The cost is 50E and all proceeds are going to Rape Crisis Midwest, if you wish to make a booking you can contact James on 0872835314 or [email protected] or you can go to www.rapecrisis.ie.
To read more about events Rape Crisis have held, you can check them out here.
If you want to keep up to date with Rape Crisis you can like them on Facebook here.
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