Event News
UL Mental Health Week hosts Rosanna Davison Eat Yourself Fit Demo
Olwen Murphy, UL Student Union, Rosanna Davison, Richard Lynch and Roberta Harrington, UL Students Union. In front Seán Bailey-White and Adam Moore, UL Students Union. Picture: Cian Reinhardt/ilovelimerick.
UL Mental Health Week Hosts Rosanna Davison Eat Yourself Fit Demo
By I Love Limerick Correspondent Maxine Bramley
This week is Mental Health week worldwide and the University of Limerick have been holding events to promote mental health all week.
This year for UL Mental Health Week, bestselling author, nutritionist and Miss World 2003, Rosanna Davison took the stage to for a cookery demo to teach students how easy it is to make healthy diet choices.
Rosanna Davison’s bestseller ‘Eat Yourself Beautiful’ was a hit with the nation and for UL mental health week she showed students how to make some recipes out of her newest book ‘Eat Yourself Fit’, emphasising the fact that the right foods do not just improve physical health and fitness but also mental health.
“Learning to prepare and cook a range of simple, nutritious meals will benefit everybody but for busy students with a stressful schedule of study and exams, it can make a big difference to mental and physical performance. Healthy food needn’t be expensive or time -consuming either, it’s all about being well prepared and I’m a big fan of batch cooking and meal prepping before a busy week. Carrying healthy snacks in your bag, such as nuts and fruit, helps you to make healthier choices when a hunger emergency strikes,” Rosanna Davison tells me.
The Eat Yourself Fit with Rosanna Davison cooking event with MC Richard Lynch, I Love Limerick, which took place on Wednesday, October 11 from 4 pm to 6 pm at University Concert Hall was a major hit with all the students and many of them stayed behind to get pictures and their books signed by Rosanna.
“I’m delighted with how my Eat Yourself Fit cookery demo and nutrition talk at UL Mental Health Week went and thank you to the team for inviting me and to everyone who came along to watch. My aim was to share some healthy lifestyle tips and a little bit of encouragement. Making small changes to your diet and lifestyle can make all the difference to body, mind, and spirit,” Rosanna said.
This event along with all the other events that have been taking place this week at the University of Limerick has been organised by the University of Limerick Students Union, led by Olwen Murphy, Events Coordinator UL Students Union.
“The day started out with the truck breaking down that was bringing the demo unit and the camera mans parts breaking, so the whole day was starting off as an absolute disaster! Then Rosanna and Richard arrived as professional as they are, took it in their stride and everything ended up working out perfectly,” Olwen Murphy said.
“We didn’t want to solely focus the whole week on the doom and gloom of mental health, so we had an inspirational speaker at the start of the week, and then we wanted to bring someone to talk about healthy eating and healthy lifestyle and there was no better woman to do that than Rosanna,” Olwen said.
To find out more about Rosanna Davison click here
To read more of our stories on mental health week click here
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