UHL Robotic Assisted Surgery – Prof Paul Burke, Chief Academic Officer, UL Hospitals Group, and Dr John McManus, Training Lead, UL Hospitals Group, with Dr Niall Dalton, Gold...
Sadies Head Shave is set to go ahead this March to raise funds for benches for the Oncology Garden in UHL. Sadies Head Shave is set...
Lets Fund It Childrens Ark – David Walsh, Patrick McCarthy, Stephen Ryan-Doyle, Orlaith (Children’s Ark), Kris (Children’s Ark) and Adam Kinsella. Missing from photo Joseph Guerin...
UHL Christmas toy appeal – Daire Heffernan, General Manager, King John’s Castle, Limerick is pictured with Orlaith McMahon, Play Specialist Children’s Arc University Hospital Limerick (UHL)...
UHL Childrens Ark therapy dog – Sadie O’Malley from Castleconnell, County Limerick, pictured with Bonnie during the beloved therapy dog’s final rounds at the Children’s Ark...
3 for 3 Breast Cancer Awareness walk, organised by Hook & Ladder, will take place at 3pm on Sunday, October 31, in aid of the Symptomatic...
HL Childrens Ark virtual tour – The video is an informative, accessible guide to each stage of the process for children attending UHL for an operation...
UHL Molecular Laboratory – Dr Patrick Stapleton, Consultant Microbiologist, with Colm McDonnell, Chief Medical Scientist, UL Hospitals Group, in the reception area of the new Molecular Lab in...
ICU4U Memorial Charity Cycle – Pictured at University Hospital Limerick preparing for the cycle are Eileen Greaney O’Neill, Staff Nurse, ICU; Dr Catherine Motherway, ICU consultant;...
UHL Get to Know Me – Linda Daffy, Clinical Nurse Manager (CNM3) in Critical Clare, at work in the Intensive Care Unit UHL Get to Know Me...
Journey for John – the late John Fitzgerald pictured above Journey for John to Support the Staff of ICU, UHL On behalf of the late John Fitzgerald...
Colin Peirce pictured above with the Da Vinci Xi Dual Console Robot at University Hospital Limerick Prestigious RCSI honour for UHL surgeon Colin Peirce UHL-based colorectal and general...
Da Vinci Xi Dual Console robot – Mr Colin Peirce, Consultant Colorectal & General Surgeon, UHL. Robotic surgery ‘first’ at UHL is breakthrough in treatment of early...
UHL 60 Bed Block will comprise four stories, with three inpatient wards of 20 en-suite single rooms over a basement level Projected timeline announced for Phased Opening of UHL 60 Bed Block UL Hospitals Group...
UHL COVID19 testing – Pictured above is Dr Patrick Stapleton, Consultant Microbiologist at UHL New lab and swabbing pod will boost UHL COVID19 testing capacity Practising...
UHL consultant anaesthesiologists – Pictured above is Dr Hugh O’Callaghan UL Hospitals Group announce the appointment of three UHL consultant anaesthesiologists UL Hospitals Group is pleased to...