MidWestern Cancer Support Centre at University Hospital Limerick is resuming face-to-face on-site appointments on a half-day basis for the first time since March 2020. MidWestern Cancer...
World Diabetes Day 2021 – Midwest Diabetes Group holding a demonstration at University Hospital Limerick Limerick Demonstration highlights lack of diabetes services on World Diabetes Day 2021...
Surgeon Colin Peirce delivered an online Grand Rounds presentation for The Mayo Clinic. UL Hospitals Group surgeon delivers virtual Grand Rounds presentation to The Mayo Clinic...
MidWest Diabetes Advocacy group members Grainne Flynn, Jean Langford, Erin Dolan, Ashling O Kelly and Aisling White pictured above have launched a campaign in advance of...
ULHG Patient Council members (l to r) Elizabeth O’Leary, Declan McNamara (vice-chairman), John O’Neill, Michael Ryan, John Hannafin (chairman), Judy Ryan, Anne Fitzgibbon, Melody Buckley, Marie...
Limerick Digital cancer research centre – Announcing details of the new Limerick Digital Cancer Research Centre (LDCRC) at the University of Limerick were, Prof. Ruth Clifford,...
Joan Sheahan has worked on the dialysis ward in University Hospital Limerick for eight years. Help frontline nurse Joan Sheahan beat cancer By I Love Limerick...
Professor Jennifer Ni Mhuircheartaigh , pictured above has been appointed UL Hospitals Group’s first Professor of Radiology UL Hospitals Group appoints Professor Jennifer Ni Mhuircheartaigh as first Professor of Radiology...
Mary Fitzgerald (right) and her daughter Jackie Fitzgerald (left) in the gymnasium at UHL in April 2021. Pre-vaccination, the mother and daughter had not seen each other for...
Length x Breath challenge – The eight lads completed a 670km group cycle in memory of friend Cathal Scanlon Length x Breath Challenge raises more than...
Phase One of UMHL neonatal – The first phase to extend the neonatal intensive care unit at University Maternity Hospital Limerick (UMHL) will be complete in the...
Fitzgerald Family – Pictured above are Kai, Kelly, Simon and Eileen. Not pictured, Mark and Jackson gratefully accepting the award from Perth. Limerick’s Fitzgerald Family win...
Limerick Georgian Cellars found underneath O Connell Street are over 250 years old. Think outside the block! Debate amongst public as council fill 250-year-old...
International Nurses Day 2021 – Declan McNamara, Director of Nursing, Medicine Directorate, presents breakfast treats to Anglea Cajes 4th year intern student nurse and Joan Magner Clinical Nurse...
Dr Siobhan Neville, pictured above, is taking up a dual role that includes Senior Lecturer in Paediatrics at the University of Limerick School of Medicine. ...
UL Hospitals Group fundraised for 4 charities. Pictured above are members of Limerick Suicide Watch receiving their share of the proceeds from the UL Hospitals Group...