Proms in the Park The People’s Park was filled with the strains of scores from some of the world’s most loved films as part a...
Revealing Nature at Tait House (formerly Southill House) BY ALBERT NOLAN 03/05/2014 I hadn’t been to Tait House (formerly Southhill House) for several years...
The former Cahill May Roberts building in the heart of Limerick city is set for a new lease of life as a business incubation hub. The...
Limerick’s BeSPOKE Cycling Festival June 14-22 2014 Limerick Smarter Travel along with Limerick Sports Partnership and An Taisce Green Schools invited...
CARI Charity Motorcycle Run CARI (Children at Risk Ireland) are partnering with the Limerick Bikers for a Motorcycle Run Fundraiser...
“A Dare To Design” Competition For Adare To Survive Challenge The 7.5km military style obstacle challenge, Adare to Survive, is set to return...
The Irish Chamber Orchestra & Music Generation Join Forces For Music Factory For Kids Music Factory is exciting creative music camp for...
Pulse – The Limerick City of Culture 2014 Theatre Legacy Project Part One: 20th- 29th of June 2014 The Limerick theatre community welcomes the opportunities...
No Fit State – BIANCO The seductive, thrilling and enchanting contemporary circus. BIANCO, a seductive, thrilling and enchanting contemporary circus will make its Irish premiere...
Irish Chamber Orchestra & the ‘Sing Out with Strings’ Team for The Rhythms of Life The Irish Chamber Orchestra’s Sing Out with...
Killaloe Pink Ribbon Walk 2014 Since 2009 the Pink Ribbon Walks in Ireland have witnessed eight and a half thousand people walk...
West End Youth Centre Art Raffle Raises €2500 For The Community The annual West End Youth Centre art raffle once...
TOMCAT STREET FESTIVAL 2014 Friday 30th May to Sunday 1st June – Thomas Street & Catherine Street TomCat Saturday Photos by Dolf Patijn for
Culture and Chips Food Festival Brad Pitt Light Orchestra Photos by Oisin McHugh for 2014. All Rights Reserved Salon Du Chat...
Limerick City Adult Education Service Art Showcase Art, Craft and Design students undertaking the VTOS programme at Limerick City Adult Education Service held a one-day exhibition of...
Irish Chamber Orchestra & Ballet Ireland bring “Carmen” to Limerick’s Milk Market Photos by Oisin Mc Hugh for 2014. All...