Mad Craic Comedy: Limerick Stand Up Comedy Night at the Pier Hotel Mad Craic Comedy: Limerick is returning once more for a fun-filled night of stand-up...
Mad Craic Comedy comes to Pier Hotel Limerick May 12 Limerick city boasts a vibrant and hilarious comedy scene ranging from The Rubberbandits, regular Open Mic...
‘An Evening of Short Plays’ by The Cecilian Musical Society brings you excerpts from hilarious comedies directed and performed by Cecilian stalwarts at Gaelscoil an Ráithín,...
Faye Shortt is a rising star in Irish comedy and often works alongside her father, Pat Shortt 10 Questions with Limerick Actress Faye Shortt By I...
Spirit of the City, will descend on Limerick City for the first time this year, celebrating emerging craft beers and distilleries, Irish entertainers and the iconic...
The Fresh Film Festival 2017 preparations are underway. Pictured at the launch of Fresh Film Festival 2015 were young filmmakers from Limerick, Saoirse O’Connor, Ellen King,...
University Concert Hall Presents Russell Brand Live Show. The English stand-up and film star brings his Re:Birth show to the University Concert Hall on September 27...