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Social Enterprise Limerick promotes and inspires social change by supporting local enterprises to promote themselves Social Enterprise Limerick promotes and inspires social change by supporting local enterprises to promote themselves


Social Enterprise Limerick promotes and inspires social change by supporting local enterprises to promote themselves



Social Enterprise Limerick ARISE launch at the Belltable – pictured above are Michael Gleeson, Social Enterprise Officer at PAUL Partnership Limerick, Elaine MacGrath, PAUL Partnership, Dr. Pat Daly, CEO Limerick Council, Ian O’Brien, Manager of PALLS and Richard Lynch, I Love Limerick. Picture: Kris Luszczki/ilovelimerick

Social Enterprise Limerick provides a local platform for social enterprises to meet, network, share their experiences and learn from each other

Social Enterprise Limerick promotes and inspires social change by supporting local enterprises to promote themselves
Linda Ledger, Manager of St Munchins Community centre pictured with her staff at the SEL ARISE launch at the Belltable. Picture: Kris Luszczki/ilovelimerick

Social Enterprise Limerick is a practitioners’ network of Social Enterprises in Limerick City, supported by PAUL Partnership under the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (known as SICAP).

The overall objective of Social Enterprise Limerick is to provide a local platform for social enterprises to meet, network, share their experiences and learn from each other. The network encourages collaboration and the sharing of resources to help members to advance their community, social and/or environmental goals and is involved in a range of training, development and promotional activities.

In 2022, Social Enterprise Limerick was approved for funding under the ARISE programme, which is a Dormant Accounts funded initiative for the promotion of Social Enterprise. The ARISE funding was utilised to develop a range of promotional materials for network members and to highlight the activities of the SEL network, with a particular focus on the development of digital media/video content.







Social Enterprise Limerick promotes and inspires social change by supporting local enterprises to promote themselves
Staff from Northside FRC pictured at the event. Picture: Kris Luszczki/ilovelimerick

Michael Gleeson, Social Enterprise Officer at PAUL Partnership Limerick said, “One Productions, a video production company from Dublin, were contracted to provide fifteen Limerick based Social Enterprises with a suite of high quality video content that they can use down the line to promote themselves and shine a light on the great work they are doing in Limerick. Recently we held an ARISE event at the Belltable Limerick to screen excerpts of the finished content and the response was overwhelmingly positive.”

Aisling Lohan, Assistant Manager of Southill Hub commented, “Southill Hub is honoured to be one of the social enterprises involved with the ARISE project. It will be hugely advantageous to our organisation to have this content as so many funders want a video about us as part of our funding application and it’s really difficult as a community centre to create quality footage as we don’t have the skills or technology, so having footage that we can use and adapt will be key for us to secure funding for future projects.”

Ian O’Brien, Manager of PALLS, a training and education centre, who is the current chair of the network, spoke of the advantages of being part of the SEL network saying, “For us it’s the power of the collective. The many connections we have made across Limerick with all the community organisations, all the other social enterprises operating and working on a daily business, bringing such value to the city with the products and services they provide.”

Michael Gleeson added, “One of the key components to creating really powerful and effective support is making connections and with this, in mind, Social Enterprise Limerick was established. We currently have over twenty five enterprises involved and welcome other social enterprises to join the network to work together to find areas to help each other out and share their individual strengths.”

For more information on the SEL ARISE project contact Michael Gleeson, Social Enterprise Officer at PAUL Partnership or visit #SocialEnterpriseLimerick

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About Social Enterprise Limerick

A social enterprise is an enterprise whose objective is to achieve a social, societal or environmental impact, rather than maximising profit for its owners or shareholders.

Social Enterprise Limerick is a collaborative network set-up in the interest of providing a support system for social enterprises across Limerick and to help foster a growing community of viable, robust and socially impactful businesses and individuals.

The network brings together private, public and non-profit sectors to explore possible ways they can all collaborate to make a social impact and to help promote and inspire social change and aims to encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration among social enterprises in Limerick.

The network has a particular focus on specific thematic areas relevant to Social Enterprise in the city, including Community Food Provision, Community Gardens, Circular Economy & Environment, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Community Childcare and more.

For example, in 2019, Social Enterprise Limerick supported the development and publication of a ‘Guide to Setting up and Running a Community Café’. The Guide was developed in collaboration with the community organisations currently managing Community Cafés in Limerick City – Moyross Community Enterprise Centre, St. Munchin’s Community Enterprise Centre, The Learning Hub, St. Mary’s Aid, Our Lady of Lourdes, Tait House and Southill Hub, as well as the Northside FRC.

Social Enterprise Limerick was initiated by Paul Partnership under the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (known as SICAP). SICAP provides social inclusion support to individuals and community organisations and is co-funded by the Government of Ireland through the Department of Rural and Community Development and the European Union.

Pictures: Kris Luszczki/ilovelimerick

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.