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Marys Cathedral Noyes Fludde Reunion & DVD launch Marys Cathedral Noyes Fludde Reunion & DVD launch


St Marys Cathedral Noyes Fludde Reunion & DVD



St Marys Cathedral Noyes Fludde Reunion and DVD launch is set to take place December 12. St. Mary’s Cathedral is delighted to be hosting a reunion for all those that contributed to the great success of their 2014 production of Noye’s Fludde. The reunion will take place at 4pm on Saturday December 12. This event will also include the launch of a Noye’s Fludde DVD, available to all participants, followed by the annual festive Come and Sing Carols.

Noye’s Fludde was a City of Culture supported collaboration between the Cathedral, educational partners, generous sponsors and media partner RTE Lyric FM. Benjamin Britten’s classic opera transformed the Cathedral into a hub of community activity and attracted over 1,700 people to the six performances. This production truly showcased Limerick as a vibrant city with a rich cultural community.

Peter Barley, Musical Director, states ‘This is a chance to catch up with everyone who was involved and worked so hard on the production. What made this production truly special was the bringing together of around 120 talented local youngsters from the community, and providing them with a platform and the opportunity to work together with professionals.’

The Dean of St. Mary’s, the Very Rev’d Sandra Pragnell said “ This was the first ever full scale opera produced by St. Mary’s, which has been so close to the creative heart of Limerick for centuries. We were delighted to make Noye’s Fludde our contribution to the 2014 City of Culture and are most grateful to Limerick City of Culture, Limerick Regeneration, The Buckley Foundation, The Allchurches Trust and the Trench Trust for their financial support and encouragement to make this happen. It will be wonderful to meet everyone again”.





The reunion and DVD launch will take place at St. Mary’s Cathedral at 4pm on Saturday December 12, followed by Come and Sing Carols at 5.30pm.

To like Noye’s Fludde on Facebook click here.
For more stories about St. Mary’s Cathedral click here.
For more stories about Noye’s Fludde click here. 

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.