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Summer Camp at Our Lady of Lourdes National School Rosbrien this year Summer Camp at Our Lady of Lourdes National School Rosbrien this year


Summer Camp at Our Lady of Lourdes National School Rosbrien this year



Pictured: Sarah Madden, Jan O’Sullivan TD, Minister for Education, and Tutu Etolue.

Our Lady of Lourdes National School Rosbrien ran this year’s Summer Camp, titled; ‘Pathways to Literacy and Numeracy’, for their students, from July 11-15. Minister for Education, Jan O’Sullivan TD, attended the “Show and Tell” event, which wrapped up the camp, to offer support and congratulate the children and teachers on every effort made.

For a one-week period, running from Mon to Fri, children in Band 1 DEIS (Delivering Equality in Schools) schools throughout the country are selected to participate in the Summer Camp initiative that works to improve and enhance their skills in areas such as; literacy, comprehension, reading and thinking,  mathematics, logical reasoning and problem solving.

Teachers at Our Lady of Lourdes National School Rosbrien worked with the students in the initiative, funded by the Department of Education, helping them to design and develop their projects as a team, encouraging them to engage in activities to improve these skills.





The Summer Camp at Our Lady of Lourdes school wrapped up with a “Show and Tell” performance on Fri, July 17, where the children showcased their many talents, demonstrating and displaying all their work.

Addressing the children and their efforts, the Minister said: “As Minister, one of the great joys I have is coming around to schools and seeing the fantastic work that’s done.

“I was able to see the fantastic learning that you’ve done, as well as having a lot of fun, and that’s really what these Summer Camps are all about.”

The children presented their work at maths, literacy, art and science stations in their school hall, explaining to parents and guests what each piece was and why they made it.

Each participant was presented with a certificate on stage, signed and presented by the Minister, where they could proudly display their dedication and involvement in the initiative.

Bernadette McHugh, Chairperson of Association of Teacher Education Centres of Ireland (ATECT), also attended the event to offer her support, and praised the unsung heroes of the day: “There is one group of people who do huge work, day in and day out, sometimes without being thanked, and that’s the parents. If you didn’t bring them (the children), the camp couldn’t happen.”

The “Show and Tell” ended with parents, teachers and guests being treated to a mini-concert with the children singing on stage and posing for photos after an entertaining day.

Visit the website for Our Lady of Lourdes National School Rosbrien here

For more Summer Camps for children in Limerick, click here

To keep up to date with Min. Jan O’Sullivan’s future initiatives, check out her Twitter here

For more on fun and educational Summer Camps in Limerick, click here

Photos by Frances Fitzgerald for I Love Limerick. All Rights Reserved.

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.