Swipe Festival Launches App
Swipe Festival Launches App
Swipe has now launched a Swipe App that allows you to receive updates on new open sources, important deadline dates and news about their Festival in October. Keep up to date with Swipe’s events by downloading the App on google play store on your android or smart phone.
Thanks to Eoin O’Brien, a student from Ardscoil Rís, who built an App for Swipe. Eoin is also part of the Swipe Team. Eoin talks about how he became interested in App building
“I have always had an urge to experiment with technology, with sometimes disastrous results – when I was first introduced to a computer (aged five), I succeeded in inadvertently wiping the hard drive clean in ten minutes. This was the start of my fascination with how computers worked. When I got my hands on an Android phone, I took this one step further. Why didn’t I build apps, rather than wrecking drives? And so, a quick Google search later, I found out just how easy it was to make a phone do whatever I wanted it to do. With the Swipe Festival, we want to encourage everyone to discover the power of coding, and the unlimited opportunities it gives – your phone can become a GPS, a translator, or an Angry Bird. The phone in your pocket right now has more computing power than the autopilot that put humans on the Moon. Learn to use it, control it, and embrace it!
The app I wrote for Swipe allows you to browse news and upcoming events on the go. It took just a bit of planning (and a lot of Googling) to put together a really professional-looking app, thanks to the multitude of free resources on the internet. It even uses one of Google’s servers to send out the content to phones! The best part is, anyone can do this – it’s perfectly free!”
Swipe is an exhibition space and online competition for all things digital. Swipe is an opportunity for young people in Limerick city and surrounding areas to showcase their technology skills, be it by building an app, making a film, altering an image or even by writing a blog!
To find out more about Swipe please visit www.swipefestival.com or download the App for up to date news and events!
You can read more about Swipe here.
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