Mary Considine, CEO, Shannon Group plc Mary Considine appointed Chief Executive of Shannon Group plc The Board of the Shannon Group plc has today announced the...
Declan Smyth from Shannon with his daughters Elianna, Renne and Naomi pictured at the launch of ryanair the new Shannon Airport services, for Shannon Liverpool and...
Tourism Ireland partners with Shannon Airport to grow German tourism Tourism Ireland partners with Shannon Airport, to promote the new Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt and to...
€15m upgrade of Shannon Airport runway commences Shannon Airport has today announced the commencement of a €15 million, 100 job project to upgrade the airport’s runway,...
Pictured gearing up for Shannon Summer Services on the runway at Shannon Airport are Charlie, Neela, Alfie and George Harrison from Annacotty Co Limerick with Andrew...
Declan Power, Head of Aviation Development, Shanon Airport take a picture of Liesellette Schmidt, Captain Torsten Adams, Tanja Bartl, Sahar Roos, Shannon Group Chief Commercial Officer...
Pictured with the Routes Europe 2017 award are Declan Power, Head of Aviation Development, Shannon Airport, Stephen Small, Brand Director of Routes and Andrew Murphy, Managing Director,...
Pictured at the official opening of the Airport Sensory Room are, back row, broadcaster Marty Morrissey along with Mitchell Slattery, aged 7, from Scoil na Maighdine...
Pictured upon the arrival of the Kuwait Airways boeing 777 at Shannon Airport are, from left to right, Senior Officer Nasser Ismaeel, Captain Tareq Alshugayer, Captain...