Building Change student symposium – pictured above were were Aleksandra Deineha and Rio Smith, 1st Year Architecture Students UL with Peter Carroll, University of Limerick. Picture:...
Ted Russell Park Pavilion – Open House Limerick are asking architects to design a temporary pavilion to be constructed in Ted Russell Park on the Condell...
Open House Limerick 2021 is celebrating its 10th year in Limerick with the theme ‘Architecture is Reconnecting’ for their popular festival for architecture, including ‘The Tait Tour.’...
Open House Limerick 2019 includes the Other Georgian Limerick tour. Uncover the architectural treasures of Limerick during Open House Limerick 2019 Why not uncover some of...
Open House Limerick 2018 promotes a theme of ‘Architecture is Community’ this year. Open House Limerick 2018 A festival marking the celebration of contemporary architecture, urban...
In advance of this year’s Open House Limerick 2017 event, Alexandra and Benjamin Donoghue Corbett are testing the boats in the Curraghgour Boatclub, one of the...
Derravoher House, Villiers School, NCR, Limerick. Photo Credit: Grainne McMahon. Open House Limerick 2016. Many of Limerick’s architectural treasures, such as Bannatyne Mills, Ranks Silo, West Limerick...
Fab Lab Limerick is a group of staff, students and graduates from the school of architecture at UL passionate about digital fabrication technologies and their potential...
Limerick opens doors to Architecture and Culture The doors of some of Limerick’s most intriguing and historic buildings will be open to the public for free...
A new apartment complex dedicated to older persons as part of the Limerick Regeneration Programme has won the Best Housing Category at the 2014 Irish...