Bean Ati Celebrates Fifty Business Years Bean Ati Celebrates Fifty Business Years. Pictured: Olivera Jokic, Una Fetton, Eileen Vaughan, Roslyn Ryan, and owner Helen Canty in...
Adele King ‘Twink’ pictured with the sugarcraft models produced for the night at Decobake Limerick. Picture by Cian Reinhardt/ilovelimerick. The Decobake Limerick Customer Appreciation Night was...
Val O Connor launched her first bestselling and hugely praised cookbook ‘Bread on the Table’, published by O’Brien Press last year in O’Mahony’s Bookstore on O’Connell...
Hook and Ladder Limerick The idea behind Hook & Ladder came from proprietor, Andrew Moloney, a Limerick native who developed the concept...