Cannes Film Festival – Pictured above are Paul Ryan and Rachael Power, from Film in Limerick, Dr Susan Liddy, President of Women in Film and Television...
“The Clockmakers Dream”, a film which won two awards at the Fastnet Film festival was funded by Limerick City of Culture. The twenty minute short film,...
Photo: Judy Fitzgerald Limerick wearing a designer dress by DK House of Fashion on the red Carpet at the Cannes festival. Judy Fitzgerald Limerick beauty returns home...
The Cheese Box is a phenomenal piece of visual art that has launched into the film industry and will make it’s world premiere debut at the...
Acclaimed Limerick actor, Nigel Mercier, is set to join a group of local film makers and actors on the road to the Cannes Film Festival, after a short...
Two Limerick films to be screened at Cannes Film Festival alongside 15 other Irish movies that have been selected to be screened at Cannes Film Festival,...
Limerick filmmaker Stephen Hall pictured above with Richard Lynch. Limerick filmmaker Stephen Hall is a multi- award winning filmmaker, winning awards multiple awards internationally Limerick filmmaker...