A compelling new book, titled “A Job of Journeywork,” is set to be unveiled, featuring a carefully curated selection of writings from the respected late Limerick...
Let’s go Shopping! A history of retail in Limerick Exhibition will be on display in Limerick Museum from Thursday 23rd November to Thursday 25th January. For...
We are delighted to invite you to our Art Appreciation Programme, on a first come basis with a presentation by Dr Billy Shortall on Thursday 9th November...
Sarsfield Homecoming Project was presented by Dr Loïc Guyon at a special University of Limerick event on October 5 The Sarsfield Homecoming Project was presented at...
Sarsfield Homecoming Project accesses possible burial site as Limerick and huy pledge to work together. Mr Eric Dosogne, Bourgmestre of Huy with Cllr Francis Foley, Mayor...
Sarsfield Homecoming Project enters a new phase giving public a unique opportunity to support this historic endeavour Sarsfield Homecoming Project enters a new phase giving the...
Conversation with Designers event – Pictured are Edmund Shanahan, Chairperson Council of Irish Fashion Designers, Celia Holman Lee and Jill Cousins, CEO Hunt Museum pictured with...
Thomond Archaeological & Historical Society Celebrates 130 Years of Local History. Photo: Deirdre Power A major exhibition by the Thomond Archaeological & Historical Society, Celebrating 130 Years...
King John castles name has a rich and complex history, according to historian Joseph Lennon Historian Joseph Lennon delves into the history behind King Johns castles...
Castleconnell Infopedia – Renowned Irish Poet Stephen Murphy pictured with his dog Luna above launching the upcoming writing competition of which he will be the judge....
Dodo Reddan and her pram of dogs. A tribute to the legendary and unforgettable Dodo Reddan (1922-1995) By I Love Limerick correspondents Zoe Conway and Mary...
What I missed about Limerick: Limerick boasts some of the most interesting culture, history, scenery, nightlife, architecture, festivals, institutions, art, restaurants, and people. What I missed...
Irish podcasts pictures above include I Love Limerick, The Blindboy Podcast, Fur Coat No Nickers, The 2 Johnnies Podcast, The Chat with Dan Murphy, An Irishman...
Cleeve’s Condensed Milk Factory was once the largest of its kind in the United Kingdom. Cleeve’s Condensed Milk Factory – Rediscovering Limerick #4 Here at I...
Sylvester O’Halloran- Rediscovering Limerick #2 Sylvester O Halloran- Rediscovering Limerick 2 was researched, written and presented by Sharon Slater of Limerick’s Life. Here at I Love...
Rediscovering Limerick #1 Here at I Love Limerick we are proud to announce a new web series that will delve in to the fascinating history of...