Johnson and Johnson Limerick investment – Minister of State Niall Collins with John Fitzgibbon, operations director, Johnson and Johnson Vision and Mary Buckley, executive director, IDA Ireland, supporting...
Johnson & Johnson Vision adding approximately 100 jobs + investment of about 100M in expansion of Limerick facility. In attendance at the announcement are, from left,...
Caoimhe O’Brien from Bruff and Michelle Condon from Kilbeheny with their awards presented by global healthcare company Johnson and Johnson (J&J) as part of its WiSTEM2D...
Wistem2D Programme 2018 awarded UL students the scholarship. Pictured at the event in the University of Limerick were Johnson and Johnson WiSTEM2d bursary recipients and, Aisling Greaney,...
Pictured at the launch of the WiSTEM2D programme in partnership with Johnson & Johnson at the University of Limerick were, Professor Kerstin Mey, UL, Professor Merrilyn...
Students pictured enjoying the three-day CoderDojo Camp with industry experts, which provided them with practical training on the Internet of Things (IOT) software and technology. Limerick...