Lero Director’s Prizes 2024 saw Lero Director’s Prizes 2024 saw awards presented to nine top academics and researchers from leading Irish universities and institutes of technology....
Professor Ita Richardson, Deputy Director of Lero pictured above at the announcement in The University of Limerick with Prof Philip Nolan, Taighde Éireann CEO-Designate. Picture: Alan...
Lero Open Science Charter – Mariana Clohessy, LERO, Martina Prendergast and LERO and Daniel Bangert, Digital Repository of Ireland pictured above. Picture: Brian Arthur. Lero’s overall vision is...
Pint of Science 2016 – Comp engineer, Dr. Ronan O Higgins, spoke about Composites: Superplastics for Aeroplanes at the event. Picture: Alan Place/Fusionshooters A massive crowd...
Pictured above award winning game designer John Romero. Picture: Sean Curtin FusionShooters. DOOM Programmer Speaks to sell out crowd in Lero Lero, The Irish Software Research Centre...
Irish Software Organisation Lero: Professor Mark Ferguson at the launch of the event. Photo credit Sean Curtin. The University of Limerick has begun research in the...