Ultimate Frisbee Championships 2022 – The 2022 World Masters Ultimate Frisbee Championships are to be staged in Limerick. Pictured above are Christy McAllister and Aoife McKeown...
Homebuilders and housing developers in Limerick City and County are being asked to consider offering unbuilt houses or apartments with planning permission to the Council under...
Litter status in Galvone has seen a marked overall improvement compared to previous IBAL surveys. Improvement In Litter Status In Galvone Area Due To Work By...
Limerick Student City Launch – pictured are left to right, Arpit Tak, Griffith College, Limerick, Roisin Burke, MIC, Cillian OíDonohue, UL and Cormac Dillon, TUS. Picture:...
HAPPEE is a collaboration between staff and students in Corpus Christi National School, the UL’s School of Allied Health, Limerick City and County Council and some...
Vicky Phelan Freedom of Limerick – Vicky Phelan speaking at her Civic Reception in 2018. Picture: True Media Freedom of Limerick to be bestowed on Vicky...
Investment in Greenways worth €4 million was welcomed by the council. Limerick City and County Council welcomes almost €4 million further investment in greenways in the...
Decarbonising Together – Limerick council is looking for five communities in the Metropolitan area of Limerick to work on the special project. Call for Limerick Communities...
Active Travel investment – Sixteen towns and villages across Limerick have benefitted from almost €4m of investment in Active Travel measures in 2021. Limerick towns and...
Factory Southside Youth Space will remain open until 2024, in a reversal of the decision to close the centre this month. Factory Southside Youth Space saved...
Energy Efficiency Upgrade programme – Photographed in Galvone road, Kennedy Park were Will O’Shaughnessy, SSE Airtricity Energy Services, Head of Business Development and Major Projects, home owner Linda...
Sean Murphy – Former County Manager of Limerick County Council, Sean Murphy, has sadly passed away. Former Limerick County Council Manager Sean Murphy has passed away...
Limerick Innovation Virtual Event – University of Limerick President Professor Kerstin Mey, Minister of State at the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and...
Limerick rightsizing scheme – The Council has begun a scheme where eligible homeowners may request the local authority to purchase their home in return for a...
Live at Confirm – Pictured L-R Pat Daly, CEO Limerick City and County Council, Kerstin Mey, President University of Limerick and Cllr Daniel Butler, Mayor of...
One Million Stars Limerick – A beautiful display of all the woven stars will be revealed at the Hunt Museum on December 8. One Million Stars...