Acting Out 100 will be presented by the County Limerick Youth Theatre, and partners Finnish Theatre Company, Loimann teatteri, from May 13 to 15. A two...
Clown noir coming to Limerick this September. Clown Noir is a one hour-long physical comedy that combines clown, storytelling and circus skills whereby Joe Bloodworth a...
On February 18, 25 and March 3, lectures will take place as part of the University Concert Hall 19th Century Music Appreciation series. The lectures will...
Limerick tidy towns introduce the second year of the Limerick Tidy Towns Award 2015. The aim of the award is to give recognition to all the...
By I Love Limerick correspondent, Irene Bermingham. Actor Richard St John Harris, born in Limerick October 1, 1930. (Dickie) Richard Harris was the fifth born...
Limerick School Project 1916 Commemoration was held in honour of the 1916 rising. The event proved to be very popular amongst both students and teachers at Limerick...
Clare fiddler Martin Hayes named Irish World Academy Artist. Martin Hayes commences his three-year association with the Irish World Academy at the University of Limerick in...
The upcoming Coronas gig at King Johns Castle, Limerick 2016 will be part of a set of concerts hosted at the venue this year. They are to...
The upcoming RTÉ ConTempo Quartet Limerick Performance 2016 is a highly anticipated event around the city and county. The RTÉ ConTempo Quartet, in partnership with Limerick...
It is only a few months wait for fans as Limerick’s own Hermitage Green return for Hermitage Green Live at the Big Top 2016 in our...
Limerick Printmakers are delighted to present The Eoin Barry Printmakers Exhibition. The 061 Eoin Barry Printmakers exhibition of new work is by emerging Limerick artist...
TLC2, Team Limerick clean up two to is to take place in 2016. The initiative is being launched by Paul O’Connell and JP McManus. The hugely...
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Innumerable Subtle Creations by Dawn West at 69 O’ Connell street. Limerick Printmakers are delighted to present Innumerable Subtle Creations, an exhibition of new work by...
Rider Sean Putt Professional Trials Addict – Photo Sean Curtin The first initiative, being delivered in partnership with St. Mary’s Aid and 12 newly trained Community...
Celebrating the Limerick Craft Hub first anniversary in style is Clare Jordan, general manager of Limerick Craft Hub, Jerry O Dea, Mayor of Limerick Metropolitan District...