Exterior picture of the Locke Bar for the big Limerick seisiun. Picture courtesy of the Locke Bar. The big Limerick Seisiun at the Locke Bar is...
Limerick Student Attractions – the Iconic Statue pictured above is all too familiar to the students who pass through UL. Picture: Luke M Curley Limerick Student...
Scotty Knemeyer Pro JetDeck Flyer will perform Limerick. Picture by Jill Helton Photography. Limericks watersports fans are in for a real treat when the majestic River...
Pictured at the Pint of Science at the White House Bar are from left: Dr. Terry Mc Grail, ” Generating the Material Edge, “Prof. William O’Connor,...
Limerick City’s first Art for Art’s Sake Tour, Saturday the 16th of June Limerick’s first Art for Art’s Sake tour will commence Saturday the 16th of...