Members of LYS Northisde Youth Space enjoying the winter wonderlands in the Finish city of Kuopio as part of the YELL Yhdessa Youth Exchange YELL Yhdessa...
Limerick youth service has worked with Limerick Youth Theatre to bring two outstanding performances to the Belltable, StandUp and Teatime with Tom. LYS and Limerick Youth Theatre amaze audiences...
Limerick Youth Service Christmas Fair 2018: Santa Claus takes time out from his busy period to stop by Limerick Youth Services Community Training Centre Annual Limerick...
The Lob the Cob World Champion and Best Swiss Roll were two of the many accolades achieved by young people from Limerick Youth Service (LYS) at...
UL student and LYS volunteer, Naomi O’Mara is about to make tracks to Washington DC to represent Ireland in a Program for Service and Leadership. LYS...
Remembering their travels and looking forward to the Limerick Youth Service European Reunion happening soon. Picture courtesy of Limerick Youth Service. Limerick Youth Service European Reunion of...
Young people of the Limerick Youth Service honoured at the celebration of learning at the Abundant Life Centre, presented with certificates of Achievement for their great...
Limerick is 85 leaders stronger today as young people who took part in a Junior Leadership programme with Limerick Youth Service, received their Certificates of Achievements a graduation...
European Youth Week logo To mark European Youth Week, Limerick Youth Service is hosting an interactive information and training workshop to the Northside Youth Space, Ballynanty,...
Limerick Youth Service Be Well Limerick Week – Members of LYS and the Be Well Limerick community at the Milk Market on Culture Night. A talk with...
Limerick Be Well Week – Members of LYS and the Be Well Limerick community at the Milk Market on Culture Night. Photo: Holly Kenny / ilovelimerick...
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