Manuela Hartlep, Jessica Bray, Padhraic Hastings, Liam McCarthy, Monica Spencer, Pius McGrath, Myles Breen, Gill McNamara all taking part in Under Milk Wood rehearsed reading at Belltable for one night...
Actors Carmel Duggan, Mary O’Sullivan and Megan O’Halloran in costume promoting the new Mike Finn play, The Rising Of The Women which comes to Limerick on...
Impact Fund for Munster 2023 awards presentation, hosted by EI Electronics Deirdre Mortell, CEO, Rethink Ireland, pictured (centre), with Mick Guinee, CEO, Ei Electronics (right from...
The Gaff exhibition ‘It’ll Be Alright On The Night’ will feature a short film with footage of previous shows as well as photographs and images of rehearsal...
The GAFF’s Tiny Little Histories programme presents Parkway Camp at the Parkway Shopping Centre. Pictured: Hannie O’Reilly with some of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. To begin...
The GAFF Tiny Little Histories – Creative Communities Midwest and The GAFF, Limerick will present the first edition of ‘Tiny Little Histories’ virtually on Saturday, November...
Tiny Little Histories is the new initiative by The GAFF Limerick and Creative Communities Mid-West to tell forgotten local stories of the past Tiny Little Histories – Telling...
The South and Proud festival is a new initiative of The Gaff in partnership with the Southill Hub and Tait House. South and Proud Festival –...
Queens of the Island Field will be performed at the Lime Tree Theatre A group of teenage girls from King’s Island have teamed up with the...
Limerick Traveller Pride Week 2016 – Pictured here are Eddie, Danny, William and Christy Harty with the Mayor of Limerick City and County Liam Galvin in...
The GAFF, Limerick’s artist and community run resource centre, announces its programme of work for 2016. Just over two years in existence, The Gaff (Limerick Theatre...
Limericks West End Youth Club Presents Loss – Pictured above Maggiemay O’Reilly who plays the lead role Limericks West End Youth Club Presents Loss, a new,...
The Gaff, one of Limerick’s newest theatre initiatives is currently working with Kings Island Senior Citizen Group and members of Limerick Youth Theatre on an intergenerational,...