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Limerick receives a total of €679,901 in funding under Town and Village Renewal Scheme 



Town Village Renewal – Glin Castle pictured above is one of the projects receiving funding under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme.

Limerick receives a total of €679,901 in funding under Town and Village Renewal Scheme 

Town Village Renewal

Croom pictured above are receiving two new cark parks near the Town Centre

Limerick City and County Council has been successful in receiving funding for six projects under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2020. 





Projects in Feenagh, Glin, Croom, Caherconlish, Doon, and Rathkeale will share funding of €679,901 in the scheme which focuses on projects which can help to enhance rural towns and villages, with a particular emphasis on stimulating economic development.

The funding will also assist towns and villages to implement measures that can help them to respond to the challenges associated with COVID-19.

The six Limerick projects to receive funding are:


Creation of a new town park, including parking for cars and bikes, walkways, public lighting, sensory and butterfly garden. €100,000


Interpretive fit out and production of audiovisual material for the Knights of Glin Interpretive Centre under construction to the annex of Glin Library €90,351


The creation of two new cark parks near the Town Centre adjoining the Main Street trading area  €100,000 


The creation of a safe walking route for the’ Old Creamery’ Looped walk, including safe pedestrian access from Caherconlish National School. €100,000


The development of a Community Services and eHub facility, with 8 PC stations, Tea/Coffee Room, Toilets, an Office and Conference Room. €89,550


Town Village Renewal

Rathkeale Station House pictured above

The restoration and conversion of the old Stationhouse building to provide facilities to support the Great Southern Greenway Limerick. €200,000

Judging was carried out by an independent panel and it was a competitive application process across all local authorities.

Welcoming the news, Mayor of the city and county of Limerick, Cllr Michael Collins said, “The development and investment in our rural towns and villages in County Limerick is crucial, we need to make them vibrant and safe places to be attractive to live, work and do business.  The Covid-19 pandemic has made us all appreciate the outdoors to exercise and for mental health reasons and I’m delighted that so many projects funded in Limerick will support the development of our recreational amenities across the county. The funding of the ehub in Doon will help the local community there adapt to the challenges posed by the pandemic and significant investment to regenerate old buildings and enhancement works at areas of natural beauty is hugely welcome.”

The Town and Village Renewal Scheme is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and administered through the Local Authorities, in consultation with local communities.


Limerick City and County Council Director of Services for Community Development, Gordon Daly added: “These projects will all further enable our towns and villages to be more attractive plays to live in, work in and visit and have been developed in partnership with their local communities. All of these excellent projects when completed will enhance the quality of life in rural Limerick and we look forward to seeing them advance in 2021.”

In 2020 Limerick City and County Council also secured €350,960 in funding for projects in 12 towns and villages under the Town & Village Renewal Accelerated Measure.


For more info on the Town and Village Renewal Scheme go HERE 

For more Renewal Scheme stories go HERE 

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.