Cuisle Festival Welcomes the World of Poetry to Limerick
The 17th annual Cuisle Limerick City International Poetry Festival will fill the city with verse starting Wednesday 10th October and running through Saturday. Events include evening performances at the Belltable, readings over lunch at the Hunt Museum, screenings of poetry films, book launches, a varied programme for schools, the annual Poetry Slam Competition, and the Young Poet of the Year Award. If that isn’t enough, there will be open mic sessions, music, and socializing, all in the warm tradition of Cuisle.
This year we will be featuring Terry McDonagh, Fred Johnston, John Pinschmidt, Máire Áine Nic Gearailt, John F. Deane, Moya Cannon, Peter Sirr, Medbh Mc Guckian, Fiona Clark Echlin, and (for schools) Paddy Bush. John MacKenna will be launching his new book Where Sadness Begins (Salmon Poetry) and editor Jo Slade will introduce contributors to the 2012 edition of The Stony Thursday Book.
One of the joys of Cuisle is our special relationship with other festivals around the world. This year Anja Golob and Radharani Pernarčič will be joining us from Slovenia for featured readings, while Veronika Dintinjana and Istok Osojnik will entertain and edify in our schools programme. From our sister festival in Brighton we welcome Lorna Thorpe and Jeremy Page.
Last year we introduced screenings of poetry film. By popular demand we are once again offering dynamic shorts from the Zebra film archive. We will also feature a Yeats Tribute; a compilation of South American poetry entitled Hallucinated Horse, introduced by Tom Slingsby; and Room, a film scripted by Mark Whelan and produced by Bruce Basheer.
The lunch-time readings take place in the exquisite setting of The Captain’s Room at the Hunt Museum. These continue in informal sessions over lunch in the Museum Café. It’s a nice way to add some literature to your day. And besides, you get sandwich, soup, and verse for a bargain price!
Everyone needs some poetry in their life so plan on joining us 10-13 October 2012 for the Cuisle Limerick City International Poetry Festival.
Further information is available from The Arts Service, Limerick City Council, on +353 (0) 61407421. Email Sheila Deegan at [email protected] or join us on Facebook to get all the bulletins as they happen.
The Cuisle Limerick City International Poetry Festival is funded by The Arts Council and Limerick City Council.
Wednesday 10 October 2012
1pm: Reading by Fiona Clark Echlin
7pm: Official Opening
7:30pm: Launch of Where Sadness Begins by John MacKenna
8:15pm: Readings by Fred Johnston, Anja Golob, Jeremy Page
10pm: Selected national and international poetry films
Thursday 11 October 2012
1pm: Reading by John Pinschmidt
7pm: Launch of The Stony Thursday Book with editor Jo Slade
8pm: Readings by Lorna Thorpe, Máire Áine Nic Gearailt, Radharani Pernarčič
10pm: Screening of Hallucinated Horse and Room
Friday 12 October 2012
1pm: Reading by Jo Slade
8pm: Readings by John F. Deane, Moya Cannon, Peter Sirr
10pm: Yeats film tribute
Saturday 13 October 2012
11am: Young Poet of the Year Award
8pm: Readings by Medbh Mc Guckian, Terry McDonagh
9:30pm: Poetry Slam Competition
Lunchtime readings are in the Captain’s Room at The Hunt Museum. The price of €3 includes lunch afterwards in the café.
Evening readings are at the Belltable Arts Centre with an admission of only €5.
Films are also at the Belltable Arts Centre. Our sessions follow in Bentley’s Bar.
The Young Poet of the Year Award is at Daghdha.
All locations are centrally located on O’Connell Street / Patrick Street except Daghdha, a short distance away at John’s Square. A map and further details are forthcoming in the festival booklet.
Admission is free except as noted above.
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