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A Wilde Night in the Drawing Room: A benefit event for Zondra Meaney’s Treatment Fund. Pictured: Richard Lynch, Dorothy and Zondra Meaney for EDS Awareness Month 2016. Photo: Dolf Patijn/ilovelimerick

On Thursday, March 16th, Limerick artists are coming together in the Pery One hotel to help raise funds for Zondra Meaney’s Treatment Fund.

Wilde Night

Pictured: Zondra Meaney

A Wilde Night in the Drawing Room presents a range of talents of many of Limerick’s performing artists, with Myles Breen as Wildean Master of Ceremonies.  A Wilde Night brings together some very established names and introduces some newer faces from the world of drama, music and literature.  Audiences can look forward to the much loved, subtle tones of Ann Blake performing an acoustic melody or two and ever rising young star Emma Langford who will also sing and play some of her own compositions with young singers Megan Corbett and Rosie Healy joins the music mix.





From the world of drama, theatrical stalwarts like Fran Healy, giving a taste of ‘Drunken Thady and the Bishop’s Lady’, will be joined by emerging actors Aisling Ryan, Cormac Laffan and Kevin O’Grady who will present a sneak preview of Fiona McDonnell’s ‘Life on the Inside’, a play about the emotional life of a cat. Carrie Barrett, Majella Conway, Ursula Dundon, Sheila Fitzpatrick-O’Donnell, Leeanne O’Donnell and Ger Purcell from Moyross Community Drama are on hand to present a number of little snippets including a scene from Mike Finn’s ‘Field of Dreams’. 

Creative writing and poetry will read by Lucia Brunetti and Darren O’Dea, all to the backdrop of Myles Breen’s illustrious interpretation of some of Wilde’s notorious extracts.

Patricia Roberts at Pery One is providing the hotel’s delicious finger food in the drawing room and is very happy to host this event which promises to delight at every turn.

Admission is just €5 with all proceeds going to Zondra’s Treatment Fund

To buy tickets to A Wilde Night email: [email protected] or text 0879930553. 

If you cannot attend the event and would like to make a contribution to Zondra’s Treatment Fund click here

To read more about Zondra Meaney click here

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.