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Wildroutes in The Park Kiosk – Nature in the City a Limerick National City of Culture Project Wildroutes in The Park Kiosk – Nature in the City a Limerick National City of Culture Project


Wildroutes in The Park Kiosk – Nature in the City a Limerick National City of Culture Project



Following on from the success of Carl Doran’s Dogs Tales and Norma Lowney’s Theatre Shop, Limerick City of Culture is delight to announce the commencement of Wildroutes, a project by Mary Conroy in the The Park Kiosk.
The Park Kiosk’s interior will become a green building promoting Limerick as an environmentally friendly and ecologically rich city as part of a project by artist Mary Conroy.
Wildroutes at the Kiosk has an emphasis on a connection to the natural world in urban context. The grounding for the Wildroutes Project lies in the belief that all humans have an innate connection with nature and fostering this connection helps to make a happier society.
For the month of January the Kiosk will become a starting point for visitors and locals alike to engage with Limerick’s parks and green spaces.
The Park Kiosk will house native plants, local information, imagery and a specially designed map to introduce people to the wide range of ecological habitats and Special Areas of Conservation that are unique to Limerick City.
This small building will become an exhibition space, an information point and a workshop where everybody is invited to come and visit to help build wildlife shelters that will be installed in the city to help increase biodiversity and make Limerick an even more nature friendly city.

“I’m very excited about being given the opportunity to work in this little piece of history in the beautiful People’s Park,” said Mary Conroy. “I’m looking forward to spending time in the indoor/outdoors and creating something new through a collaborative process.”

Throughout the residency, Wildroutes at the Kiosk will visit Limerick’s green areas discovering its flora and fauna while collecting materials for use in the construction of wildlife shelters. Postcards of Limerick’s urban ecology and a wildflower seed pack will be given to participants to remember the Kiosk experience and to continue to foster a personal connection with nature in Limerick and beyond.
The Park Kiosk has been on the same site since since the mid-19th century and witnessed 150 years of change within the city, until the last JR ice pop was sold in the late 1980’s. Over the coming months The Park Kiosk will present a series of exciting multidisciplinary residencies. Artists were asked to respond to a simple brief:
What would you do, if you could have The Park Kiosk?

Each month will offer a new experience, as artists present work made specifically for this iconic building on the southern side of The Peoples Park. The artists have all approached the possibility of opening up The Park Kiosk in different ways. Some see it as a studio, a theatre, a community centre and of course a shop. Each month The Kiosk, its history and how it relates to The People Park and the city will be explored through different media and art forms.
The Park Kiosk Project offers an exciting variety and approaches to this unique historic space. Visit The Park Kiosk over the coming months to see an ever changing living art programme.





About Wildroutes
Wildroutes is a participatory Limerick based urban eco-art project developed by artist Mary Conroy. It aims to encourage people to reform unused public space in the city. We can do this by taking neglected corners of the city and turning them into something alive, beautiful and even useful.
Wildroutes aims to promote stewardship of biodiversity in the city by encouraging and enabling users of the city spaces to grow native plants and trees. These become homes, stepping stones and food sources in the city for natural ecological populations i.e., the birds, bees and other animals (and even us humans!). This increase in biodiversity allows for a healthier environment for all inhabitants of this shared space, not to mention opportunities to stop and smell the flowers in our everyday lives.
General Wildroutes opening times: Monday to Friday, 1pm -2pm, until January 24th.

For additional visiting times visit here!
Also check out their website and Facebook page.

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.