Cinderella at University Concert Hall – This year’s panto at University Concert Hall featuring Leanne Moore, Riche Hayes and Fair City’s “Mondo” as well as Limerick duo Richard Lynch and Miles Breen
UCH Booking can be done by telephone at 061 331549 or by UCH’s website HERE
From December 21 until January 6, Dustin the Turkey and Twink will be reunited on stage as they star in the greatest pantomime of them all – Cinderella at University Concert Hall, Limerick. They will be joined by a glittering cast including Voice of Ireland Runner up / Celebrity Bainisteoir Richie Hayes as Buttons, Leanne Moore as Cinderella, Fair City’s “Mondo”, George McMahon, as the handsome Prince, along with local Limerick duo, Myles Breen and Richard Lynch, as the hilarious ugly sisters.
Produced by Robert C Kelly (Fame, Menopause The Musical, Girls Night) and University Concert Hall, this is high quality, traditional family panto filled with song, dance, laughter, glitz and glamour.
UCH Booking can be done by telephone at 061 331549 or by UCH’s website HERE
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