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Limerick Youth Service team up with TY students from Colaiste na Trocaire Rathkeale to produce an excellent mannequin challenge short video that addressed teenage drinking. The film is excellent with the subject matter suitable for all generations.

Transition Year students from Coláiste na Trócaire Rathkeale teamed up with Limerick Youth Service to produce a mannequin challenge that questions Ireland’s relationship with alcohol. Titled, #calmtheseshbefresh, the thought provoking mannequin challenge addresses the two sides to Ireland’s ‘drinking culture,’ with the negative effects of excessive drinking contrasting sharply with the positive results of responsible drinking or indeed abstinence.

The final piece was the result of a youth work programme called ‘Alcohol Awareness: Social Media Campaign’ run with the TY students and Limerick Youth Service’s Rathkeale Youth Space.

‘We would meet every Monday and from the onset it was the young people who were eager to focus on teenage drinking, though the subject matter will certainly strike a chord with all generations,’ said Ms. Harty, youth worker, Rathkeale Youth Space.





On producing the video the students were eager to encourage a responsible relationship with alcohol and for those who do drink to slow down, hence the title #calmtheseshbefresh.

With the mannequin challenge still very popular the students decided to use it to illustrate the contrasting effects of alcohol misuse and the final outcome is an excellent short video that will certainly provoke debate.

Student Matthew Cronin, who features in the video, believes it is ‘very relevant to young people as it shows the effects alcohol has on young people.’

His classmates were keen to point out that despite common assumptions, not every young person drinks with many explaining the reasons why, such as ‘they like to remember the previous night, they are less inclined to do something stupid and are more aware of their surroundings.’

#calmtheseshbefresh is available at, Rathkeale Youth Space’s Facebook page, YouTube and vimeo.

Limerick Youth Service wishes to thank the staff at Colaiste na Trocaire Rathkeale, the Mid-West Regional Drugs Taskforce, Pobal and film maker Shane Serrano for their support with this project.

Limerick Youth Service would particularly like to thank the Transition Year students (Group B) from Colaiste Na Trocaire Rathkeale on their commitment, dedication and honesty in producing #calmtheseshbefresh.

If you are concerned about yours, a friends or family member’s alcohol use please speak to a trusted adult, teacher or youth worker or click on

Located at Abbey Court, Limerick Youth Service’s Rathkeale Youth Space is a centre for the delivery of youth work for West Limerick.

A member of Youth Work Ireland, Limerick Youth Service remains committed to supporting and encouraging young people to be active participants in shaping their futures.

For more information on Limerick Youth Services, visit their website here.
To read more on Limerick Youth Services, click here

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.