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Richard Lynch with organizers of the 2016 Kupala Night event. Kupala Midsummer Night 2018 promises to be fun for all the family. Picture: Dolf Patjin.

Kupala Midsummer Night 2018 back for fourth year this June

by ilovelimerick correspondent Chloe O’Keeffe





The Kupala Midsummer Night 2018 will take place next Saturday, June 23 in Arthurs Quay Park. Kupala Night also known as Midsummer Night it’s a Slavic feast associated with the Summer Solstice, celebrated during the longest day and shortest night of the year, with accounts for 21-22 of June. The festival aims to bring Limerick’s inhabitants close to Slavic traditions. Kupala Night also contains some elements of German and Celtic traditions also.

Kupala Night is a holiday that embraces joy, dance, and love, unites everybody through magic and nature. An old fable tells that during that night a magic fern blooms, and whoever finds it lives in happiness, love and abundance. That evening women braid wreaths to throw them into the water, each man fishes them out, and based on which one they get decides which girl was meant to be his.

Kupala Midsummer Night 2018

There will be more playing with clay at this years Kupala Midsummer Night 2018. Picture: Dolf Patin/ilovelimerick.

There will be a demonstration of historical re-enactments of the old Slavs. Brave warriors will present their equipment to the public and fight against each other during a short tournament. At Kupala Midsummer Night 2018 there will be artistic performances, folk dances, and songs from Poland, Latvia and Russia. There will also be outdoor workshops, playing with clay, plaiting garlands and Slavic yoga, and more! Kupala will close there spectacular Fire Theatre with a fire swallow! Kupala night is similarly celebrated in different parts of the Baltic countries. In Latvia, it is a day off work, and everyone enjoys and plays until dawn, smoking bonfires and baking sausages.

In Poland there are also bonfires, organized dancing parties, performances, concerts, but most of all, it is associated with the shortest night of the year. 

This year the Slavic inspirations group with to invite you to the fourth edition of Kupala Midsummer Night 2018 in Arthurs Quay Park, next Saturday, June 23 for fun for kids and adults of all ages!


For more info on Kupala Night 2018 go here.

For more stories on Kupala Night go here.

Pictures by Zoe Conway/ilovelimerick

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.