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Limerick Covid19 exhibition.

Coping with Covid: Limerick’s Experiences of the Covid-19 Crisis

Limerick Museum and the People’s Museum have joined forces to establish an exciting and innovative project on Limerick’s experience of the Covid-19 pandemic. The two museums want the people of Limerick, both at home and abroad, to send them stories and pictures about their response to the crisis. These will be used in a joint exhibition to be held by both Museums when things get back to normal.

Dr Matthew Potter, Curator of Limerick Museum said: “The Covid-19 pandemic is the biggest and most challenging crisis since World War II, both in Ireland and worldwide. However, it has been wonderful to see how people and communities have responded, especially here in Limerick.  We are saying to Limerick people at home and abroad in the global Limerick diaspora, tell us how you have coped. We want to hear your stories and see your pictures of life during the present Covid 19 crisis”.





Dr Rose Anne White, Curator of the People’s Museum said gathering such content will be a great resource to have to exhibit and for future generations ahead.

“We have shared some ideas to get people thinking about how their life, work, shopping, habits and spare time have been affected and we would be delighted if people could respond with their stories, photos and drawings about their experience of Covid life,” she said. Limerick Covid19 exhibition 

Some things to get you thinking:

How has your experience of the Covid 19 pandemic changed your day to day to life?

Do you or a member of your family work in a front line service right now? Can you record that experience in any way? 

What it’s like for you or your family members when you or they go shopping for essentials?

If you are religious, how has the Covid-19 Pandemic changed the way you worship?

How do you keep in contact with your family, friends, work colleagues?

What are you doing to keep your body and mind active? What are you and your family doing to entertain yourselves?

Are you doing something in your community to help or perhaps you know of others who are helping? Is someone helping you?

Please send stories, photos, and drawings to [email protected].

For more information on the People’s Museum, click here

For more stories on the People’s Museum, click here


Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.