Two lucky ladies won themselves a seat at Rachel’s dinner table and got to eat the dishes as they were made.
Acclaimed Limerick photographer Tarmo Tulit was on-site shooting portraits with all proceeds going to Leon’s cause to help to save the health of this vibrant young Limerick man. Leon himself is an animation student at the Limerick School of Art and Design and he lives for his art.
He wants more than anything to finish his degree and work in this industry, however, the vision in one of his eyes has greatly diminished which is potentially devastating as Leon is an artist.
He also suffers from loss of feeling in his legs which now makes walking very difficult. He has extreme fatigue so he is exhausted all the time. He is losing sensation in his left hand, which makes it difficult to hold things.
Valerie O’Connor, Leon’s mother, and full-time carer said, “I’d like to thank the people of Limerick for everything they’ve done so far. We really urge and ask everybody to keep up the support, please. We’ve had an amazing start but we need to get to our target so he can avail of the treatment which will hopefully give him life back. It really is Leon’s Lifeline.”
For more stories on Leons Lifeline click here.
To donate to Leons Lifeline click here.
Picture: Kate Devaney/ilovelimerick
Picture: Anthony Sheehan/ilovelimerick