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Southhill Area Centre

South hill areaSouth hill Area Centre

South hill Area Centre is a purpose built community facility for the Southill Community. It opened in September 2008 and since then has enchanced the lives of local residents by providing them with a new purpose built community centre where local groups meet and plan their activities.

Southill Area Centre aims to provide an open and safe space for the community of Southill to develop educational, recreational and social opportunities in a healthy environment. They aim to support young people in the community to become positive active community members. To support the community to make healthy choices. To be a hub in developing and providing community services. To include the whole community in the decisions and activities of Southill Area Centre. To support and develop the people and facilities of Southill Area Centre.

They value their work and aim to provide quality services. Their services are open to all the community. A strong emphesis is placed on health, mind and body in all of its activities and projects. Southill Area Centre ensure all users and staff will be treated with dignity and respect in accordance with their charter of rights.

Southhill Community Area Centre