Coonagh Knockalisheen project has been urged to continue by Limerick Chamber.
Limerick Chamber urges Minister to progress Coonagh – Knockalisheen project
Limerick Chamber has notified Minster Eamon Ryan that further delays to the Coonagh to Knockalisheen road scheme will hold back the development of Limerick.
In a letter to the Minister, Chamber CEO Dee Ryan has highlighted the importance of the road project for both the Limerick Institute of Technology’s planned Coonagh Campus and for the success and sustainability of years of investment in the Limerick Regeneration Programme on the city’s north side.
“Inequality was the root cause of many problems in Limerick and something we have much work still to do on, including through the city’s regeneration programmes. In order for Limerick to thrive, we cannot leave sections of our society cut off. If we do, those inequalities will get deeper again,” she said.
In its communications with the Minister, Limerick Chamber cited the Limerick Regeneration Framework Implementation Plan (2013), and the Southern Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (2019), both of which recognise the importance of the Coonagh-Knockalisheen scheme for the future development of Moyross.
The Chamber also points to the importance of the road scheme for the future development of a Coonagh campus by Limerick Institute of Technology, an expansion which will lead to the creation of 433 new student places.
“The combination of the development of the Coonagh campus by LIT and the completion of the Coonagh – Knockalisheen scheme will enhance the attractiveness of the surrounding area for further educational and employment investment. It’s a win-win on all fronts and we must end prevarication on it,” Ms. Ryan added.
Ms. Ryan has also been in ongoing communication with Limerick TDs to outline the Chamber’s concerns and press for support.
“This scheme symbolises the kind of inclusive Limerick, offering educational and employment opportunities for all, that our local elected representatives and Limerick stakeholders are striving to achieve. Its delivery is critical for the city and the public.”
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