Fibromyalgia Online Summit offers free support for Fibromyalgia sufferers.
Voluntary Healthcare Angels offer an Online Support Strategy for Fibromyalgia Nationally

The Fight Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Online Summit can be accessed free online on the 3rd to the 5th November 2020.
Covid-19 has changed the face of healthcare as we know it, sacrifices have unfortunately been made. Yet a group of voluntary health care angels have gathered together, offering a lifeline of support for Fibromyalgia sufferers during these difficult times. The Fight Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Online Summit can be accessed free online on the 3rd to the 5th November 2020. It will host a myriad of experts, keynote speakers and practical support for those living with fatigue, Fibromyalgia (FM or FMS) and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E). Sufferers might present with symptoms of body wide muscle pain, foggy brain, migraines or headaches, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, fatigue and sleep disorders. Due to the overlapping symptoms of Fibromyalgia and M.E. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between the two conditions.
Covid-19 has meant that a lot of primary care supports, services and facilities have been put on hiatus, as the government battles to meet the medical needs of a country in crisis. Luckily many support agencies and volunteers have stepped up to their calling and are offering a stream of online services and support to help people living with the silent disability in their homes.
Fibromyalgia is a long-term illness affecting 4% of the global population and affects 2% of the Irish population. The medical community regularly questions if Fibromyalgia is real and sufferers struggle for official recognition and for support from friends and family. There is no direct subvention in its primary care. Sinéad Dundon and her team of voluntary angels are now launching a Fibromyalgia Online Summit with FREE access on the 3rd to 5th of November to support sufferers during these difficult times. The summit will host a myriad of experts, keynote speakers and therapeutic activities sharing a ‘lifeline’ of support to those affected.
The online stream Fight Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Summit offers vital voluntary support and hope for those in protective isolation. Additionally allowing empowerment and solidarity for sufferers who still remain unsupported in Ireland’s primary healthcare objective during the lockdown.
These voluntary angels are offering their expertise at no cost to those affected, their families and friends. The group is comprised of healthcare professionals, namely the Ambassador for Arthritis Ireland, Nutritional Therapists and holistic practitioners, essential oil expert, Systematic Kinesiology practitioner and Massage Therapist. Access to the online summit event will takes place on Fight Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Summit is free between 3rd to the 5th November 2020 and longer access is available for a cost of €29.00 It will offer practical solutions that enhance a healthy positive approach to living with Fibromyalgia under current circumstances in terms of diet, mindset, body conditioning, coping strategies and symptom control.
Sinead Dundon, ‘The Tummy Tamer’, qualified Nutritional Therapist organiser of the day added: ‘The day focuses on sharing resources while empowering suffers to make active, small, practical and easy changes that make life a little more manageable, during these unprecedented times’ We ran a similar event in Limerick in February 2020 but had to cancel the follow-up event due to COVID restrictions.
She concluded: ‘we chose an online summit so that everyone, individuals and family could access support, A vital lifeline in unprecedented times. We hope that sufferers will feel more connected while self isolating. Living with Fibromyalgia can be difficult at the best of times, but now more than ever support and solidarity are needed.’
Sheila O’Hanlon Systematic Kinesiologist also partaking in the event summarised: “Fibromyalgia is a painful disorder of the muscles rather than joints. This online project will offer easy to go to and use therapeutic interventions, aiming to improve symptoms of exhaustion, pain and low mood.”
Saralee Cassidy keynote speaker, a body being and mindset therapist with Culra Addiction Services in Limerick shared: “hope is what changes mindset. If we are offered possibility, support and a positive solution during adversity we offer humanity. Small steps and little solutions can make a big difference to people suffering in the dark during these times.”
This online summit event offers new positive options and perspectives for the disability during unprecedented times. A voluntary initiative supported by voluntary professionals aiming to counter isolation, depression and the gapping lack of primary care support for sufferers. The Fight Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Online Summit can be accessed FREE online on the 3rd to the 5th November 2020. Longer term access can be purchased and free access also available. The event on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are free. If people want access later its €29 to get all the recordings for lifetime access.
Go HERE to register or for more information go HERE
For other stories on Fibromyalgia go HERE