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The Southill Community Drama Group are back to present their newest production Is She Dead Yet that will for sure wow us all!

Southill Community Drama Group present a Southill Extravaganza Is She Dead Yet

Following on from the huge success of their sell-out show ‘Southside Story’ in 2015 and showcasing their creative talent, the acting bug has well and truly been caught by the Southill Community Drama Group who are back with a brand new original self-penned play, ‘Is She Dead Yet?’

Is She Dead Yet

Actors from the Southill Youth Club are doing their own adaptation of an excerpt from Grease





The director Karen Fitzgibbon said, “Family and friends gather to mark the 100th birthday of Mrs Halpin, but each guest has an agenda of their own.  The return of the prodigal daughter, hungry undertakers and a host of nosy neighbours join Mrs. Halpin and her family as she cordially invites you to help her cut her cake and share her volka!!”

There is huge excitement during rehearsals for this much-anticipated community production, Is She Dead Yet.  The Southill Mens Sheds have been working together for months building an authentic set to bring this show to life.  This Southill Extravaganza has taken over the community, everywhere you turn rehearsals are taking place, between the Southill FRC, The Area Centre and the Men’s Sheds.

Is She Dead Yet will include an adapted excerpt from the musical Grease and a sing-along with seniors and a surprise performance by the Southill Area Centre. Supported by the Southill FRC, the Southill Area Centre and the Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board. Is She Dead Yet will kick off on Thursday, April 26 at the Lime Tree Theatre at 8 pm sharp.  Tickets are only 6 Euro so get yours soon!

For further information on whats on in The Limetree Theatre, click HERE

For more stories on Southill, Community Drama Group from I Love Limerick, Click HERE

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.