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LIT Degree in Manufacturing 4.0 at new campus is first of its kind in Ireland

Mary Mitchell O’Connor, TD, Minister of State for Higher Education pictured with Prof. Vincent Cunnane, President LIT during a tour of LIT’s Coonagh Cross development site where first of its kind in Ireland LIT Degree in MAnufacturing 4.0 will be held. Picture: Alan Place.

LIT Degree in Manufacturing 4.0 at new campus is first of its kind in Ireland

Mary Mitchell O Connor, T.D., Minister for Higher Education, has visited the site of LIT’s new engineering-focussed campus at Coonagh.

Coonagh Cross has been bought by LIT to house their new engineering campus. The campus comprises of 36 acres of land and over 7,000 sqm of built space.





The purchase was funded by the Department of Education and Skills through the HEA.

While meeting with the President of LIT, Professor Vincent Cunnane it was confirmed to the Minister that Ireland’s first degree in Manufacturing 4.0 is set to run from there.

President of LIT, Professor Vincent Cunnane told Minister Mitchell O’Connor that,

“Coonagh will allow a very speedy response to the demands of industry, which is critical as the cyber world joins with the manufacturing industry. “In fact, we are introducing the country’s first specialist degree in Manufacturing ICT next year. 

“This is very much about the nexus of Higher Education and Manufacturing. The course is being developed in response to Manufacturing 4.0., the next phase in the digitisation of the manufacturing sector, an area in which it is critical for Ireland to gain a competitive advantage.

“The new Bachelor of Engineering degree is to be delivered through an apprenticeship model, and will be located at our Coonagh campus.  The degree will, in fact, it will give rise to the new profession of Manufacturing ICT Engineer in Ireland.    

“The first B.Eng, Manufacturing ICT apprentices are expected to join the programme in the next academic year. The delivery model means that industry in the region can upskill very quickly. 

Minister of State for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O’Connor TD, said “After a period of unavoidable retrenchment, I am pleased that we have reached a turning point for State investment in Higher Education. We have provided additional much-needed funding for the sector and it is great to see such wonderful regeneration of a disused space.   This new development will undoubtedly enhance the student experience for all the engineering students in Limerick Institute of Technology, it will facilitate the skills agenda and with the dedication and drive of President Cunnane and everyone involved strengthen the interface between Limerick Institute of Technology and industry in the region.

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Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.