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LIT graduates honoured: 2019 LIT Alumni Awrd for Contribution to equality is Joy Neville, Prof. Vincent Cunnane, President LIT and Marian Duggan, Vice President of Equality and Diversity, LIT presented her award to her brother Paul and Mother Mary. Photo by Alan Place.

LIT graduates honoured at inaugural LIT President’s Alumni Fundraising Ball

Seven former students of Limerick Institute of  Technology (LIT) were honoured for their contribution to inclusivity and equality, achievements in sport, business, arts and culture, as well as their work in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), at the inaugural LIT President’s Alumni Fundraising Ball at the Limerick Strand Hotel this past weekend. 

The black-tie event raised funds for the college’s Alumni and Foundation Programmes including access scholarships. More than €1 million in scholarship support has been raised in just five years. The Leaders@LIT scholarship alone has provided financial support to more than 100 students.





LIT graduates honoured

Receiving their Award was, Gearoid Costello for Contribution to Business fom Prof. Vincent Cunnane, President LIT and Dr. Liam Brown, Vice President Research, Development, Innovation, LIT. Photo by Alan Place.

Professor Vincent Cunnane, President of LIT, said, “We are very proud of our alumni, and it is a great privilege to be able to honour their achievements.  We have over 30,000 alumni working in every walk of life and shaping our society, so those we honour now are representing a great body of people, These awards are very much about reminding our current students that they too can go on to make significant differences in areas of industry, the arts, and community care, not just in Ireland, but Europe and the world. Here at LIT, we pride ourselves in supporting our students as they work towards their goals. It’s very important that we also recognise our alumni for their achievements.”

One student who benefited from the Leaders@LIT programme is President of LIT Students’ Union, Jade Foynes, who shared her story with attendees.

Dr Liam Brown, Vice President Research, Development, Innovation, LIT said, “LIT is extremely proud of our graduates who continue to contribute to society in the region and beyond. It gives LIT great pleasure to recognise the achievements of our graduates in the areas of inclusivity, STEM, the arts and culture, business and sport. We hope that October 11 is the first of many alumni balls, during which we can continue to recognise the many achievements of the LIT alumni community of over 30,000 people.”

Among the five recipients of the award on the night was International Rugby Union Referee Joy Neville who has helped to break down barriers and become a role model to sports’ women and men all over Ireland.

Ms Neville said, “I am extremely honoured and humbled to receive this award. Anyone associated with LIT knows the support LIT provides to its students to set and achieve their life goals. It is not surprising therefore that the alumni community are so willing to support their former alma mater as it continues to provide programmes such at Leaders@LIT.”

I graduated from LIT with a marketing degree in 1991 and I was so proud to attend the inaugural event. Congrats to all the award winners.

The award recipients included:

2019 LIT Alumni Award for Contribution to Business: Gearoid Costello.

2019 LIT Alumni Award for Contribution to equality: Joy Neville.

2019 LIT Alumni Award for Contribution to Sport: Seamus Callanan.

2019 LIT Alumni Award for STEM to LIT: Mike Morrissey.

2019 LIT Alumni Award for Contribution to Culture: Una Burke.

2019 LIT Alumni Award for Contribution to LIT: Eoin Kelly. 

2019 LIT Alumni Award for Contribution to Public Life: Minister of State Pat Breen.

The black-tie event also raised funds for the college’s Alumni and Foundation Programmes including access scholarships.

President of LIT told the 300 plus guests attending the ball at the Limerick Strand Hotel, that this was the first time that LIT has been able to honour its remarkable alumni and tell their stories.  

“The President’s Alumni Ball is a new beginning for our alumni community, – a community we’re extremely proud of here in LIT. We wanted to tell our alumni stories and to recognise what they have achieved. We hope to make this event a foundation stone that defines a community of people for whom LIT made a difference in their lives and careers. We have already reached out to the alumni community in the US and the UK, but of course, the great majority of our graduates stay in this region – not just in Ireland, but here in the Mid-West – and so this is where our alumni community is anchored,” he said.

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LIT graduates honoured LIT gra

Pictures: Boayan Zhang/ilovelimerick

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.