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Pat Doyle, CEO Peter McVerry Trust, Fr Peter McVerry and Pat McDonagh were pictured at the Peter McVerry Trust Breakfast Morning at the Castletroy Park Hotel, Limerick. Picture: Marie Keating Pat Doyle, CEO Peter McVerry Trust, Fr Peter McVerry and Pat McDonagh were pictured at the Peter McVerry Trust Breakfast Morning at the Castletroy Park Hotel, Limerick. Picture: Marie Keating


Peter McVerry Trust Limerick Business Breakfast shares plans for 2023



Pat Doyle, CEO Peter McVerry Trust, Fr Peter McVerry and Pat McDonagh were pictured at the Peter McVerry Trust Limerick Business Breakfast Morning at the Castletroy Park Hotel, Limerick. Picture: Marie Keating

Peter McVerry Trust, the national housing and homeless charity, has said it will be ramping up its supports and presence in Limerick throughout 2023

Pat McDonagh, Caroline Currid, Guest Speaker, Fr Peter McVerry and John Kiely were pictured at the Peter McVerry Trust Limerick Business Breakfast Morning at the Castletroy Park Hotel, Limerick. Picture: Marie Keating
Pat McDonagh, Caroline Currid, Guest Speaker, Fr Peter McVerry and John Kiely were pictured at the Peter McVerry Trust Breakfast Morning at the Castletroy Park Hotel, Limerick. Picture: Marie Keating

The charity briefed attendees on plans at its annual Limerick Business Breakfast, sponsored by the Castletroy Park Hotel.

Pat Doyle, CEO of Peter McVerry Trust said, “We’re delighted to be back at the annual Peter McVerry Trust Business Breakfast in Limerick. We have fantastic support from the local business community and I’d like to pay particular thanks to Pat McDonagh and Michael O’Dwyer for their generous support with this event once again.”

“In 2022, Peter McVerry Trust supported 723 individuals across our services in the Mid-West. We’re active in Limerick since 2016 and continue to grow and strengthen our relationship with Limerick City and County Council.”





The Peter McVerry Trust CEO highlighted the trust’s plans to deliver more social housing in the coming year.

He said, “In 2023 we’ll commence work on a number of urban regeneration projects across a number of sites in Limerick city centre. The projects will deliver one-bedroom social housing apartments for people exiting homelessness in Limerick.”

“In the coming months we’ll launch the first 14 homes in our modular home project in Delmege Park, Moyross. The full project will deliver 38 rapid build modular homes across Moyross and Southill for individuals and families impacted by homelessness.”

With the goal of delivering more social housing for 2023, Mr Doyle also spoke about the support of regenerating local communities.

“Alongside the delivery of social housing we also support the regeneration of communities and employment pathways for people living within regeneration priority areas and will collaborate with Regeneration Limerick to that end in 2023.”

“Prevention is a key part of our work and we’re working with Limerick City and County Council to prevent more people from falling into homelessness by acquiring HAP properties that have been served with a notice to quit. We also recently secured a new contract with the Council which will provide 50 households with tenancy sustainment support services to help them to maintain and retain their tenancies.”

“Work is also well underway to increase our office space on O’Connell St as we continue our commitment to supporting people impacted by homelessness across the Mid-West region.”

Pat McDonagh, Owner of Só Hotels group and Supermac’s said, “We are long-time supporters of Peter McVerry Trust throughout the country. The work that is being done for the most vulnerable in our society is some of the most important social work of our time. Giving people a chance in life is something we in Supermac’s and Só Hotels will always support.”

The event was attended by Limerick business leaders and the keynote speech was delivered by Caroline Currid, one of Ireland’s leading Performance Psychologists who has worked with the Limerick Senior Hurling team and the Munster Rugby team.

Peter McVerry Trust’s founder, Fr Peter McVerry, was also present to speak about the charity’s work in Limerick.  

Read more community stories here.
Find out more about Peter McVerry Trust here.

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.