The Creative Show presents ShamStory De Real History of Limerick on Thursday 12 & Friday 13 March 2020 at the Lime Tree Theatre at 8 pm. This is a special year for the show as it celebrates its tenth birthday.
The Creative Show presents ShamStory De Real History of Limerick
This year’s Creative Show presents ShamStory De Real History of Limerick at the Lime Tree Theatre on Thursday and Friday, March 12 and 13 2020 at 8 pm.
This is a special year for the show as it celebrates its tenth birthday and we are delighted that a mayoral reception is to take place at City Hall on Monday, March 2 from 15.00 – 16.30 to mark and honour this momentous achievement and collaboration between Limerick Youth Theatre and The Daughters of Charity Service (Limerick).
Every year for the past decade the two organisations have worked tirelessly to stage The Creative Show. Writing a new script from scratch, working with hundreds of singers, dancers, and actors involving school choirs, arts organisations and independent practitioners, a family-friendly variety show is staged at the Lime Tree Theatre.
It takes three months of blood, sweat and tears to make this happen but what is truly remarkable about the collaboration is its ability to bring out the best in all who participate.
This year is no exception writer and director, Myles Breen commented; ‘…over the last ten years, The Creative Show has travelled in space, in time, visited magical lands and last year we spent one day in Limerick City.
This year we give you 10,000 years of Limerick history but with a twist. ShamStory is the history told by a Limerick couple, Sham and Shacinta.
The pair will try to explain Saint Munchin’s curse, whether King John ever visited Limerick and why the Flight of the Earls was a disaster. The extra charges for the carry-on luggage might explain why that ended in calamity.
Other remarkable events like the Pope’s Visit, Munster beating the All Blacks, and the Great Fire of 1959 at Todd’s all told by the people who were there! – ‘It’s all true Sham!’
Angie Smalis, Artistic Director of LYT mentioned; ‘The Creative Show has become the highlight of LYT’s yearly programming. I am privileged to be able to co-produce this innovative and inclusive project and be part of the creative process by designing some of its dance elements.
It is a hands-on process and we all learn from each other. Not only have the professional teams been focusing on creating and presenting their artistic work, but they have also been extremely generous sharing their knowledge, expertise and resources.
‘ShamStory, De real history of Limerick’ is my tenth personal reminder of why I chose a career in the performing arts, it challenges and teaches all involved to be patient, understanding, inclusive and respectful of people’s abilities and needs.
It is a tribute to our city, to its people and to its history. We all look forward to welcoming you to The Lime Tree Theatre and we hope that you will dance and sing along!’
Donal Sherlock, Manager of Daughters of Charity Service, TEES said: ‘2020 is a very special year for the Creative Show. It is our tenth-year Creative Show anniversary.
Each year The Creative Show goes from strength to strength with increased recognition and participation from the local community. The production team’s ongoing effort and commitment over months of rehearsals is heartwarming and greatly appreciated.
The Creative Show’s success is a wonderful endorsement of all involved and recognition of the artistic ability of the cast and crew. Over the last ten years, its success has surpassed all my expectations.
The show provides a nurturing environment which encourages personal growth, builds confidence and promotes each person’s unique talents in the performing arts.
The commitment and involvement from all have further strengthened our creative family and promoted acceptance, tolerance, play, humour and laughter for all who participate.
Now in our tenth anniversary year, our creative family continues to grow and incorporates Ardscoil Rís, Laurel Hill Coláiste FCJ, Lumen Street Theatre, Music Generation and the Redemptorist Centre of Music.
I am privileged to be able to witness the personal growth of each individual involved, the lifelong friendships that are developed and the enhanced quality of life that results from being part of a family. The Creative Show is much more than a performance; it is an opportunity to belong.’
Who are the performing groups?
The Daughters of Charity (DOC) Service Limerick was the first to establish day services in Limerick City for adults with intellectual disabilities. The goal of each centre and in keeping with HSE New Directions is through a person-centred approach aid in supporting the holistic development of each individual.
The overall aim of this collaboration is to develop sustainable networks and build links in the service user’s local community. The first strand of this collaboration was achieved by introducing service users to LYT members and creating an environment that nurtured inclusion through a rich tradition of theatre and its contemporary practices.
The second strand was establishing a culture of working in tandem with like-minded people from all backgrounds, crossing social and cultural divides, sharing ideas, and build friendships.
Limerick Youth Theatre (LYT) is a company of young performers, dancers, writers, designers, directors, producers and film-makers, located in Limerick. LYT was set up in 1997 with a vision of providing a unique opportunity for young people from all backgrounds to cross social/cultural divides through youth drama experiences. It runs a two-year training course in theatre and performing arts.
Lumen Street Theatre Company was established in 2016 to bring the street spectacle to Limerick city. Its aim is to engage with the community and public through workshops; performances and the creation of street theatre by working closing with existing ensembles, arts organisations and community groups.
Music Generation (Limerick)
Music Generation is Ireland’s National Music Education Programme that transforms the lives of children and young people through access to high-quality performance music education in their locality.
Through the partnership, we create rich and diverse ways for participants to engage in vocal and instrumental tuition delivered by skilled professional musicians, across all musical genres and styles.
Initiated by Music Network, Music Generation is co-funded by U2, The Ireland Funds, the Department of Education and Skills and Local Music Education Partnerships.
Ardscoil Rís A holistic education is the core principle of life in Ardscoil Rís where the highest of academic expectations are balanced with a broad co- and extra-curricular programme for our students.
As befits a Christian Brothers’ school, under the trusteeship of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust (ERST), a strong Christian ethos is central to life here in Ardscoil Rís.
We strive to have the values of the Edmund Rice tradition fully realised in our students, as they journey towards independence and finding their place in society as fully-rounded young men.
Laurel Hill Coláiste FCJ, formerly known as Laurel Hill Convent, is an Irish Roman Catholic secondary school for girls, situated in Limerick. The aim of our school is to co-operate with parents in fostering the full and balanced development of the girls entrusted to our care so that each one may realise and bring to fulfilment her own special talents and unique personality.
The Creative Show presents ShamStory De Real History of Limerick will take place at the Lime Tree Theatre on Thursday and Friday, March 12 and 13 at 8 pm. Tickets cost €12 and concessions cost €10.
Box Office: 061 953 400/
For more information, please click here.
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