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The demonstration, taken on the grounds of Shannon Rowing Club on Sarsfield Bridge, Limerick is one that shows the effects of lighting up steel wool to make multiple sparklers made from a whisk. While the whisk is spinning, the burning steel wool generates sparks, bouncing off the water. Picture: Oisin McHugh True Media

SSPC Limerick Sites for Science, bringing Science to the City

SSPC, the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Pharmaceutical Research Centre captures science demonstrations at key locations in the city for a campaign run in association with Science Week called #Sites4Science. The Science Week Campaign displays science demonstrations and taken at key locations in Limerick, matching academic knowledge to a real-world industrial environment to a local location in association with Science Week.

SSPC is involved in Science Week; an initiative supported by their funding body Science Foundation Ireland, running from 11-18, November 2018. As the Centre is hosted at the University of Limerick, the team decided to run a Science Week initiative based in the local vicinity. Sliotars were set on fire, crystals grown on rugby balls, steel wool was lit up and cornflour was sprayed on a blowtorch at the University of Limerick, King John’s Castle, Shannon Rowing Club on Sarsfield Bridge and the Bannatyne Mill, Dock Road.





This demonstration shows the effects of lighting up steel wool to make multiple sparklers made from a whisk. While the whisk is spinning, the burning steel wool generates sparks, bouncing off the water. Picture: Oisin McHugh True Media

The images reflect fun experiments and ideas that tie in with the SSPC pharmaceutical research programme. The programme aims to develop environmentally sustainable methods for drug manufacture, increase a range of medicines available to the public and reduce drug-manufacturing costs.

There is much work done through SSPC’s Education & Public Engagement programme, one that enhances engagement with the public to promote and develop scientific literacy through dialogue, leading to increased knowledge and understanding of STEMM and the SSPC’s research programme. STEMM education and literacy are essential for understanding and engaging with complex societal issues. The dedicated Education and Public Engagement team ensure to foster a culture of inclusivity and equity of sharing across all domains.

The Synthesis and Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre (SSPC), a Global Hub of Pharmaceutical Process Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing, funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and industry, is a unique collaboration between over 20 industry partners, 9 research performing organisations and 12 international academic collaborators. The SSPC leads the way for next-generation drug manufacture and spans the entire pharmaceutical production chain from the synthesis of the molecule to the isolation of the material and the formulation of the medicine.


For more information, go here.

For further media information contact Louise O’Neill at +353 (0)61 234675

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Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.