PHOTOS & VIDEO – UL Celebrates Conferring of 156 Students of Medicine & Clinical Therapies
On June 9, The University of Limerick celebrated the graduation of 156 students from the Graduate Entry Medical School (GEMS) and Clinical Therapies Department.
106 doctors were conferred with their medical degrees, becoming the 5th graduating class of the Graduate Entry Medical School at UL. Fifty clinical therapies graduands received their awards – 24 from the Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy and 26 from the Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy, the 10th graduating class of the Physiotherapy programme at UL.
Students with undergraduate degrees from zoology, business and law to languages and sociology also graduated at UL alongside the doctors.
The Graduate Entry Medical School Programme was established in 2007, and is the only medical education programme in the country founded on the modern pedagogical principles of Problem Based Learning (PBL). PBL encourages team-working and self-directed enquiry, both skills being vital for their future careers in the fast moving world of medicine.
The four-year Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy is the only academic physiotherapy programme in Ireland outside of Dublin. The programme is accredited by the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists and this year celebrates the 10th year of Physiotherapy Graduates. The Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy is the only graduate-entry Occupational Therapy course in the country and is accredited by both the Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland and by CORU, Ireland’s multi-professional health regulator.
Professor Don Barry, President of UL, spoke at the conferring ceremony, and paid tribute to all those that work in health services, “I’d like to acknowledge the support of the healthcare community – the many practices, clinics and hospitals, their consultants, doctors, nurses, therapists, managers and all of the healthcare professionals who gave so willingly of their time to engage our students and allow them their first glimpses into their future careers. I would like to pay particular tribute to the Health Service Executive and to express my appreciation for the support that we have received from its staff at local, regional and national levels.”
He also spoke of the opening next September of the Clinical Education and Research building, a shared facility to be located on the University Hospital Limerick campus which will enhance the delivery of the healthcare programmes, but will also support the post-graduate education services required by the University Hospital Limerick community.
Read more about the University of Limerick here.
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Photos by ILoveLimerick.com 2015. All Rights Reserved.