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€21 million in funding for Limerick City & County Council’s Active Travel team in 2024



€21 million allocated for the design, planning and construction of infrastructure in 2024 for Limerick Active Travel

€21 million has been allocated for the design, planning and construction of infrastructure in 2024 for Limerick Active Travel by the National Transport Authority (NTA)

Public information evening to be held for proposed COVER Wickham St to Clare St Active Travel Scheme
A public information evening was held for proposed Wickham St to Clare St Active Travel Scheme in December, 2023

Limerick City and County Council’s Active Travel team has been allocated €21 million for the design, planning and construction of infrastructure in 2024 by the National Transport Authority (NTA). 

The funding will be used to further expand and improve Limerick’s walking and cycling facilities, with approximately 11km of infrastructure completed since the establishment of the dedicated Active Travel unit in 2021.

Approximately 3km of infrastructure is currently under construction, while a further 22km of facilities are under design.





The investment will allow the Active Travel team in Limerick City and County Council to progress its work on a number of key pedestrian and cycling projects, including: 

Active Travel improvements across Towns and Villages in Limerick
Mill Road, Corbally Active Travel Scheme (currently under construction)
Plassey Park Road Improvement Scheme (currently under construction)
TUS to City Centre Active Travel Scheme (anticipated to begin construction in 2024)
South Circular Road Active Travel Scheme (anticipated to begin construction in 2024)

Mayor of the City and County of Limerick, Cllr Gerald Mitchell said: “Investing in our walking and cycling infrastructure is making Limerick a more sustainable place. Our city and county is safer and more attractive to live in, to work in, to shop in and to invest in as a result. In 2023, we saw how communities right across Limerick embraced Active Travel measures. This funding for 2024 means even more of our city and county’s citizens will see the benefits that sustainable travel can have on our lives.”

Director of Transportation and Mobility with Limerick City and County Council, Brian Kennedy, commented: “Our successful partnership with the NTA continues to grow and develop and this announcement is another welcome sign of that ongoing relationship. It is a substantial investment that will allow us to continue to focus on delivering an accessible and connected network of walking and cycling routes in our city and in our rural towns and villages.” 

Find out more about the National Transport Authority
Read more Active Travel stories

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.