The inaugural Capital Limerick event is a huge success.
The inaugural Capital Limerick event is a huge success – pictured above John Moran, former Secretary General of the Department of Finance, Patrick O’Donovan, Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Trish Long, Vice President and General Manager of Disney, Ireland and Prof Desmond Fitzgerald, incoming President Designate of the University of Limerick at the Marker Hotel, Dublin. Picture: Sean Curtin/True Media
A group of high-profile professionals and business people originally from Limerick but now based in Dublin are putting their weight behind the current campaign to promote and re-establish the city and its environs as one of the state’s prime economic, cultural and strategic hubs. The group, Capital Limerick, is made up of professionals and business people from across the whole spectrum of economic activity and includes journalist Barry Duggan; former IBEC senior executive, Brian Geoghegan; Stephen O’Byrnes, PR consultant with MKC Communications; Seamus Hennessy of the STL Group; Niamh O’Carroll of O’Carroll Consulting; Patricia Ryan, advisor to Government Minister and Paul Stapleton, general manager of Electric Ireland.
The inaugural event for this group of professional business people aiming to promote and advocate their homeplace, Limerick took place at the Marker Hotel, Dublin, Friday, November 18.

The inaugural Capital Limerick event is a huge success – Patrick O’Donovan, Minister of State for Tourism and Sport at the Marker Hotel, Dublin. Picture: Sean Curtin/True Media
One of the organisers of the Capital Limerick event, Clair Hayes, an associate solicitor in commercial law firm Matheson, says the group wants to promote and drive the commercial and socio-cultural profile of Limerick back to the heights, which they consider to be nothing less than its rightful place.
“Limerick has it all: superb schools and colleges, world-class sports facilities, an international reputation for sport and equine bloodstock, a beautiful rural countryside, unrivalled agriculture and food sector, state-of-the-art technology and communications companies, global connectivity through working ports and Shannon Airport, a first-class retail sector spread throughout the city and suburbs, a thriving cultural community and heritage and – best of all – we have a unique pride in who we are, where we’re from and what we can achieve.”
“Limerick’s greatest era is to come. Capital Limerick is about mobilising those of us based in Dublin who are united around that aim and seeing how we can help and get involved in the recovery and resurgence that is already visible.”
In sync with the momentum that is gathering around Limerick’s resurgence, the group are wasting no time as they reach out to the thousands of Limerick people living, working and achieving at the highest levels in Dublin, and who want to see their home place ‘front and centre’ of Ireland’s economic, social and cultural landscape.

The inaugural Capital Limerick event is a huge success – Clair Hayes, associate solicitor in Matheson at the Marker Hotel, Dublin. Picture: Sean Curtin/True Media
Those attending the high-profile lunch heard of the renewed economic vibrancy and business confidence in Limerick.
A capacity attendance of over 250 people at the inaugural Capital Limerick event in Dublin’s Marker Hotel were told of the renewed economic vibrancy and business confidence in the city by a panel comprising Limerick natives, Trish Long, Vice President and General Manager of Disney, Ireland; John Moran, former Secretary General of the Department of Finance and former Secretary General of the Department of Finance, Prof Desmond Fitzgerald, incoming President Designate of the University of Limerick.
All proceeds from the inaugural Capital Limerick event, and subsequent activities, will be invested in worthy community and charitable programmes in Limerick, and Capital Limerick has transparent governance structures in place to reassure people about the proper conduct of its affairs.
You can find more information on Capital Limerick lunch here.
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