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Dance Limerick presents INSPIRE, an inclusive creative dance project for young people (7-14yrs) with a physical disability/learning difficulty Dance Limerick presents INSPIRE, an inclusive creative dance project for young people (7-14yrs) with a physical disability/learning difficulty


DL.Bridge presents INSPIRE creative dance project this September and October



Dance Limerick presents INSPIRE, an inclusive creative dance project, led by DL.Bridge artist Katy Hewison

Dance Limerick presents INSPIRE, an inclusive creative dance project, led by DL.Bridge artist Katy Hewison, for young people aged 7-14yrs with a physical disability/learning difficulty

Involving a block of 6 inspirational workshops, an advisory group for family members & a supportive training program for a team of 4 dance artists to deliver & learn

This project will enable participants to learn new dance skills and gain a sense of belonging to a group. It will be an opportunity for them to carry out a dance activity in an out of school environment, making new friends and meeting new roles models that understand and support their needs. All of this has the potential to increase their self-esteem, confidence and teamwork skills, improving their physical and mental health.  

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The project will allow parents and wider family members to be part of a new community and regular meet up group. Their feedback will inform and enable new opportunities in the future and families will see the positive impact dance workshops have on children and young people throughout the project and particularly during the sharing day.   

Artist collaborators will gain a new set skill from the project, creating long term benefits for their independent practice and the wider dance community.  

“The dance artists began from where the children were at and provided the channels and opportunities for the children to express their creativity through movement,” said a Staff Member from St Vincents.

Wednesdays 13, 20, 27 September & 4, 11, 18 October at the Dance Limerick Studio

This is a small group, one-off project. Limited spaces available. Pre-booking essential.
Email DL. Bridge artist Katy Hewison at [email protected] to book your spot.

Inspire is a DL.BRIDGE project funded by Creative Ireland and Limerick City and County Council through Creative Ireland Made in Limerick Grant 2023.

Find out more here.
Read more about Dance Limerick here.

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.